Chapter 3- Home Sweet Home

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I've never been one to ignore my instincts. That feeling that you get in your gut in certain situations, I always try my hardest to listen to it, but sometimes it just makes me conflicted. So, when my gut was telling me to go find this guy, I was definitely conflicted. After a week straight of having dreams that all had him in them, it began to seem like a sign. But, what, I was just going to storm out there and search the whole city for some stranger who was just trying to be nice? No, but I could start in the most obvious place.

I had to feel kind of stupid walking through the doors of Target. I mean, I just got fired from this place and cried in the bathroom, then I come back just to find a random person and maybe figure out why he's been in all my dreams? I went around the whole store; the clothes section, the music section, game section, even the make-up section, but I saw no sign of him. I figured that meant I wasn't supposed to find him, so I gave up and decided to go to the Starbucks right next door. After ordering my regular frappe I was all prepared to leave, but of course there he was, sitting at a table in the back, his phone in hand. I didn't even think twice, I just walked over and slid in across from him. His eyebrows knit together before he looked up, but once he saw me he smiled.

"Hey, Leah. What are you doing here?" He locked his phone and set it to the side, his full attention on me.

"Really, I could ask you the same. Starbucks, seriously? What are you, a girl?" He laughed lightly and bowed his head.

"It's quiet, it smells nice in here, and it's just a great environment. And the coffee is quite good," He says, raising his cup up and tilting it.

"Can't argue with that. Anyway, though, I came here to ask you something and I might sound crazy. I promise, I'm not. I just need to figure this out,"

"Well, go ahead then," Luke says, leaning back in his seat.

"I know you were just trying to be nice when you helped me, I wouldn't have expected anything else, but you hugged me. And it wasn't like a regular hug. Oh, man, I sound so crazy right now, I'm sorry. It's just that... you've been in all my dreams lately and I think that it might be a sign. A sign for what, though- I have no idea. I just figured maybe we could, like, hang out and-"

"You're rambling, Leah. I see what you're getting at. When we hugged and you didn't pull away, or pepper spray me, I knew you were different somehow. Wow, this is beyond cliche. Look, I'd like to get to know you, but that's completely up to you,"

"Well, duh. I didn't come all the way over here for no reason. What do you say we take this cliche up a notch and go to the park?"

"Um.... no. Why don't we, uh... can we just go to your place?" Luke's eyes desperately search around him as he folds and un-folds a napkin repeatedly.

"Ok, jeez, don't have to act like you're going to die if we don't," He shrugs and stands, offering me his hand. I roll my eyes, but take it anyway.

"Alright, so, I'll drive?" I offer, mainly because I was kind of assuming Luke didn't have a car.

"Yea, that's fine," He says, dropping my hand when we have to split to the opposite sides of my car.

"Do you have a car anyway?" I ask one we're both seated as comfortably as possible on the uncomfortable leather seats.

"Nah, not yet. Still trying to find the money to, you know?" I wait until Luke gives me the 'ok', then I start the car and pull out of the parking lot.

"Definitely. You could always take the job at Target that I just got fired from. Pays pretty decent and that's how I got this piece of crap," I roughly bang on the dashboard and the AC starts up.

"No, I wouldn't do that. I'd feel like I was betraying you somehow,"

I just nod my head in agreement, mainly because I don't like to talk while I'm driving, it makes me nervous, but also because I don't want to let him know how much that means to me. It's occurring to me how stupid this could be, bringing a random guy to my house. Especially when my mom is... oh, no. My mom, I completely forgot she was home! This could put a major dent in our plans. So once we pull into my driveway, I decide to improvise.

"Australia, huh? What's it like there?" Out of habit I start biting my nails, which I know must be so unattractive, but I've never been able to kick it.

"Really random time to ask that, but it's nice. Really beautiful. You should visit sometime," Luke goes to open the car door and, panicking, I grab his arm.

"And what brings you here? I mean, I know everyone talks about wanting to come to California, but all the way from Australia? Why?" I'm talking way too fast and I'm almost positive I'm scaring him away already.

"A change of scenery was needed. Now, come on, let's go inside. Your house looks really nice," After slamming my head into the steering wheel several times, I force myself out of the car and up to my house. I guess there's no going back now. Taking a deep breath, I push open the front door.

"Yup, this is home sweet home. Do you want anything to drink? We don't have a lot, since I've pretty much drank the same thing my whole life. Don't laugh at me?" I say as I pull out a gallon of chocolate milk. Luke smiles extremely big and nods his head a few times.

"You are amazing. I love chocolate milk!" Laughing, I hand him a glass and push him towards the stairs.

"Leah, who is this?" I turn slowly on my heels to find my mom staring at me, one eyebrow raised. The one thing I was trying to avoid and of course it happens. I stand there for a good three minutes, my mouth slightly hanging open, with absolutely no idea what to say. Then, Luke takes the reigns.

"Hello, Leah's mom. I'm Luke. We were just going to study, I hope you don't mind. I'll be gone before you know it," My mom just smiles and tells him it's fine. Wow, if only I knew it was that easy before. And, just like that, Luke grabs my hand and starts up the stairs.

(its starting to get goodddd. i have big plans for this fanfic, so please keep reading and voting. thank you!)

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