Chapter 8- Shower

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"You really need a fan in this room, Leah,"

"It's not my fault we never go anywhere else. And that you sweat more than a normal human being everytime we do this,"

"No, it's definiteley your fault. I wouldn't be sweating if it wasn't for you,"

"Okay, that's enough. If you don't go get me a latte from Starbucks right now, you're never coming over again," Luke immediately runs out of the room, screaming like a little girl, only to run back in seconds later. He lightly kisses my lips and leaves again, a large smirk plastered on his face.

While Luke is gone, I decide to take a shower before he gets back and refuses to let me get up out of bed. The water burns me, but I refuse to turn it down. I feel as if I deserve some sort of pain for completely going behind my mother's back like this and ignoring her wishes. I know she only wants what's best for me, but at the same time I wish she could see I can handle things for myself. I mean, I'm nearly eighteen, she can't baby me forever. Deciding I need to think some things through, I sit down on the floor of my bathtub and rest my head against the tile wall. It feels like an eternity later that I hear Luke lightly turn the doorknob and enter the fogged up bathroom.

"Leah, did you fall asleep in the shower, because I totally understand if you did. It's happened to me plenty of times,"

"No, no, I'm awake. Just... thinking some things through," The shower curtain slowly draws back as Luke bends down to my eye level. He pushes my wet hair out of my face before leaning in to hug me. I know he's being serious, but I end up laughing anyway.

"This is really awkward," My voice is muffled by his shoulder. I attempt to push him away, but he only squeezes me tighter.

"I know you're upset, you don't have to tell me or pretend you're not. And I don't even need to ask why," he pauses to hand me my towel, "I think you should take some time to think about all this. You're almost an adult, about to be thrown into the big, bad world. Out there, there's much worse things you're going to face than your mom finding out you lost your virginity. You need to learn how to file taxes and pay bills and deal with your annoying husband, okay?"

"When do I learn how to deal with my annoying friends-with-benefits?" Luke's eyes stay glued to me as I brush out my hair and throw it into a loose ponytail.

"You can't just try to cover all your problems with humor, Leah. All I'm saying is, be fearless, don't let life get you down, make changes, do wh-"

"Making changes? Aw, that's a great idea! For example, we could go to the movies, hang out at the park, freaking walk a dog for all I care, but I cannot stay in this room a minute longer, I'm pretty sure I'm certifiably insane at this point,"

"Little dramatic, are we?" Luke's leg bobs up and down, a nervous habit I've noticed he developed.

"I'm dramatic? You acted like you were going to die if I didn't have sex with you!"

"That's different!"

"Oh, suuuure," I rub at my temples in an attempt to make my headache go away, but it doesn't help in the slightest. The bed dips down next to me as Luke scoots closer. He gently lays a hand on my lower back and rubs small circles.

"Fine, we can go somewhere tomorrow, if you want. Nothing too fancy, you know me,"

Luke pulls me down next to him, his hand immediately finding mine and intertwining our fingers. I can't say I really mind that his plans for tomorrow aren't that special. Anything has to be better than sitting in this room, right? It's been the longest summer and although I dread going back to school, it would be a chance to redeem myself, which I desperately need. More so for myself than anyone else, but that's alright. If there's one thing I've learned from all this, it's that nothing is ever as bad as it seems, and everything will be okay in the end. It'll all be okay.

"Hey, Luke?... WHERE'S MY LATTE?"

"It's down stairs in the kitchen, now go to sleep or I swear I will never talk to you again,"

"And we definitely wouldn't want that, now would we?"

so basically leah is like oh nooo im lying to my poor mom im such a horrible daughter i hate myself and luke is like calm down it's not a big deal geez shut up and btw i am actually the worst at updating im sO SORRY WOW but thank you for reading i love you lots

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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