Chapter 2- Anything Can Happen

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"Your work ethic sucks, your customer service is terrible, and it just doesn't seem like you care. I'm sorry, Leah, but you're fired,"

My job at Target wasn't exactly the best, but it was a job nonetheless. It payed well enough to help my mom with the bills and with my employee discount, I was able to occasionally get some cute clothes. Guess I can kiss the clothes goodbye, which I will probably literally do on my way out. It's not that I really care about being fired, in fact I'll enjoy getting some more free time, but I am terrified of what the look on my mom's face will be like when I tell her. As I think more and more about this, I find myself shuffling into the bathroom and sinking down onto the floor. It's not uncommon for someone to cry when they get fired, so I'm not exactly a wimp and considering the circumstances I think I have some sort of right to cry at least a little, but eventually it turns into full blown sobs that echo off the walls and bounce back.

I feel pretty pathetic. My whole life it's been just me and my mom. She's supported me all by herself and even seventeen years later she refuses to tell me a thing about my dad, which I guess is ok. I don't need to know about some prick who couldn't handle it all and just up and left. I owe my mom so much, but I'm so worthless I can't even hold down a job to help her with some stupid bills. In short, I'm just a huge failure who doesn't deserve a mother as great as mine.

"Hey, uh, are you alright?" It sounds like a distant murmur, drowned out by my loud sobs and pounding headache. When I look up I see blonde hair that's spiked up, beautiful blue eyes, and a lip ring adorning one side of their mouth. It takes my brain a moment to register the fact that it's a guy.

"You are aware that this is a woman's bathroom, right?" It comes out in a harsh tone, but I can't say I really regret it. Like, who does this guy think he is?

"Yes, but I heard a girl crying, that girl being you. I couldn't just walk past. I needed to at least make sure you were alright, so are you?" He smiles slightly and I watch as a dimple slowly forms.

"Yea, sure, I'll be fine. Thanks for asking, I think?" I stand, splash some water on my face from the sink, wipe away my ruined make-up, and turn to leave.

"Wait! One more thing," His long arms reach out and wrap around my shoulders, his face buried in my neck. It startles me, so I have to take a second to regain my composure, but once I do, I snake my arms around his waist. I am so stupid, hugging a stranger, what has gotten into me? But his voice has such a calming tone and he's so warm and his cologne smells wonderful. Snap out of it, Leah!

"What did you say?" Whoa, wait, I said that out loud?

"Yes, you did. So, that's your name, Leah?" My cheeks are burning and I feel like such an idiot. Why do I always have to get so flustered when it comes to attractive people?

"Well, yea. And yours would be?"

"Luke. Hmm, both start with an 'L', both have 4 letters. Seem like a coincidence to you?"

"You know, it's only been, like, five minutes and I can already tell you're the biggest cheeseball ever," Luke places a hand over his heart and pretends to gasp.

"I find that offensive!" I figure this has gone on long enough, I might as well say what's on both of our minds.

"Really? Well, doesn't really matter, not like we're ever going to see each other again," He blinks several times, but a small smile eventually appears.

"Anything can happen, Leah," Those four simple words will come to mean so much more than I ever thought possible.

(yes hello second chapter. i hope you guys are liking it so far and yes i know its still short, i just havent gotten into the interesting parts and stuff. it'll get longer, i promise. please vote and comment so i know if i should continue or not (: -tabby)

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