Chapter 6- Bad Decisions

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I wake up and immediately reach my arm over to the other side of the bed, only to find it empty. I know I told Luke to be out before my mom got up, yet I can't help but feel a hole in the pit of my stomach due to his absence. Spending every day together for the past two weeks has made me almost dependent on him being here and that is the last thing I want. Pushing myself up, I walk to the mirror that hangs next to my dresser and flinch when I see my reflection. My hair is a tangled, brown mess and my light blue eyes are bloodshot. I'm inching towards the bathroom when my phone goes off.

"Babe, you're awake!" Luke's voice excitedly yells as I slightly pull my phone away from my ear.

"Don't call me 'babe'. And, yes, I am obviously awake,"

"Whew, someone's girly problems is making them all grumpy. Anyway, I'm coming over and there is literally nothing you can say to stop me," I can't see Luke, but I know he's smirking.

"Yea, I don't know if that's the best idea. I just woke up and I look like I was hit by a bus. Plus, my mom is home, more than likely," Running my hands through my hair, I very quickly replace my pajama bottoms with skinny jeans and throw on the first shirt I see.

"She's not. She wasn't there when I left either, which was about two hours ago. Oh and, by the way, I'm outside of your house. Come open the door,"

"You know, I'm starting to think you're obsessed with me," Rolling my eyes, I hang up the phone and jog downstairs, flinging the door open. Without even a simple 'hello', Luke pushes past me and heads up to my room. I stop to grab a bag of chips, then catch up with Luke just as he's settling down on the bed.

"What do you even do all day? I mean, you don't have a job, don't have a car, don't particularly like hanging out with your uncle..."

"Mainly just walk around and listen to music, go into some random places and get food, I just kind of like to relax. Honestly, most of the time I'm here now," He mutters something else that I can't quite catch, but I decide to ignore it.

"Which I don't understand. It's boring here, all we ever do is sit here and eat and watch movies. Why can't we do something different, why can't we go somewhere?" I throw my hands up in the air, hoping to get my point across that I'm really, really, tired of just sitting at my house.

"We are doing something different. Tonight is the night, right?" Luke wriggles his eyebrows and I curse under my breath.

I was clinging onto this hope that maybe Luke had forgotten about all that. I mean, it was late and I was being needy, he couldn't actually think I meant it, right? After all my protesting, did he really believe I would give in just like that? Just for some cuddling for one night? Apparently I would have to make that clear to him, so I scoffed before turning to him and giving him my best 'you've-got-to-be-kidding-me' look.

"Look, it was late, I was tired and desperate. I didn't mean it when I agreed and you know it, so no, tonight is not the night,"

"Too bad, you can't just take something like that back. Come on, Leah. You're making this a much bigger deal than it has to be!" Folding my arms against my chest, I roll away from Luke, deciding it would be best to just not say anything. We've watched at least five episodes of Spongebob when I feel Luke slowly gravitating closer to me, his hand now resting lightly on my hip, his mouth only inches from my ear.

"You know, if it came down to it, I don't think you could say no, anyway," My skin feels hot and I can't help but wonder if he's noticed how hard I'm breathing.

"Really? Watch me," I say as I wriggle from his grasp and walk towards the door. It's halfway open when Luke comes up behind me and pushes it shut, then pins me against the wall, his body pressed up against mine.

"How about now?" He breathes before attaching his lips to my neck and making his way towards my collarbone. He sucks gently and I have to push him away.

"Don't you dare give me a hickey, Hemmings. My mom would absolutely kill me if she saw that!" Luke just laughs and brushes my hair away from my face.

"You're ruining the moment, Leah," I'm not sure why, but I find myself overcome with anger at his words.

"No, I'm pretty sure you did that when you tried to force this upon me. I told you and told you so many times that I didn't want to do this, but you will just not give up! I wanted to be friends, really I did, but you're completely ruining it. You're a nice guy, Luke, but just because you're super hormonal and have 'needs' doesn't mean you can use every girl that decides to glance your way! I appreciate the fact that you wanted to help me feel better that day at Target, but it's going too far. If I wanted to agree to your little plan, I would, but clearly I don't, ok? So just stop," I can't stop the words, they tumble out no matter how hard I try to force myself to stop. I immediately clamp my hand over my mouth and watch as Luke's face twists into a mixture of confusion and sadness.

"I'm so sorry, Leah. I should have listened to you before, I'm sorry. I'll leave and I guess you can call me later, if you want to," Sighing, I run my hands over my face and grab Luke's wrist before he has a chance to walk through the door.

"Oh, my god. I really hate you, you know that?" And then I crash my lips into his, no warning, no second thoughts, just stupid decisions. Luke's mouth moves against mine and I push away my thoughts of regret, everything will be ok in the end, it has to be.

Luke pulls away and searches my face before saying, "Hey, Leah? I don't mean to interrupt all this, but are you sure you're not bi-polar?"

(yes hello. so it's just kind of starting to get exciting but i hope you guys like it so far??? please comment or vote to let me know, i don't wanna be left in the dark here. but anyway i'm sorry i didn't update for so long, i just didn't really have any ideas and state testing started and all that crap. you can follow me on twitter if you would like, i'm on there more and i can try to keep you guys up to date on all that. it's @uniquelashton but yea thank you for reading and ilysm (: -tabby)

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