Storm x Luna: A Bit Chilly

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Luna's P.O.V.

"I'll be back before ya know it!" I shouted out to Nash who consistently worries about my location. Cute little brother right? Sometimes I hate to admit it, but yeah he is adorable. Glad that Reiki can take care of him. I was actually just walking to the market for some firewood. Hey, I like my midnight snacks! Anyways, I was walking to the market when I looked up at the sky. It was getting cloudy, and lil' me forgot to bring a jacket... and a scarf. I rubbed my shoulders quickly to try and warm myself up. Man, what I'd wish for one of my Ice Boy's hugs right now...

Just as I thought that, a set of familiar strong arms snaked around my waist. I felt an all too familiar pair of lips as well gently kiss the crook of my neck.

"How the hell do you... find me." I asked my boyfriend. I was kinda fading into his gently placed kisses over my neck and shoulder.

"I don't know. I was just thinking of you." He muttered into my hair.

"Funny I was too you big idiot." I replied. He finally removed his head from my hair and placed a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here all alone... without a jacket... or scarf... and thinking of me~" he flirtatiously said at the end now turning me around so that we were chest to chest. He nuzzled his nose with mine and I gently smiled.

"Well you're here now!" I said pulling off his scarf that he had. I wrapped it around my neck and settled in its warmth.

"Can you have my scarf? Oh of course Luna thank you for asking." Storm sarcastically stated. I playfully punched his chest and held his hand. Together we walked into the market and grabbed that extra firewood. He lent me his jacket since he wasn't uncomfortable in the cold. We walked back to my house which would soon be our house. Nash would be moving in with Reiki and Rosemary so Storm would take his place.


"Don't you think it kind of be akward with Rosemary there?" I asked Nash.

"Well not really. I mean Rose and I are good friends and Reiki and I aren't sharing a room. It'd be like the guild hall but at night!"

"Meh, your funeral."

"Oh be supportive sis."

~Flashback ends~

We finally got home and gave Storm back all his things except the scarf (I ALMOST PUT THONGS INSTEAD OF THINGS OMG THAT WOULD'VE BEEN SO BAD XD). He gave me a passionate kiss before he headed off home. I walked back into my room and placed that scarf with all the other scarfs I've stolen from Storm in the past. And with that, I happily went to sleep.

A/N: BACK TO BACK CHAPSSS BEAT THAT XD Hope you enjoyed!! <3

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