#20 "signs he loves you even if he doesn't say it out loud"

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Aj Mitchell : He sacrifices his happiness to see you happy. It could be something as small as choosing a restaurant for dinner or giving you the fluffier pillow or something way bigger that can impact his life.

Alex Lange : He always holds your hand. instinctively when you’re in a crowd, or places his hand on your back while crossing the street. This is a reflex action that neither of you may realize.

Anthony Trujillo : He’s very protective of you. If you’re taking a trip by yourself or even if you’re just driving out with friends, he'll be relax only after knowing that you’re safe, no matter where you are, he definitely has a special spot for you in his heart.

Chance Sutton : He uses the word “we” instead of saying “I” or “Me” while talking and doesn’t even realize it.

Emilio Martinez : He doesn’t get annoyed with you even if he’s busy and you tease him or fool around with him.

Ivan Martinez : He wraps his hands around you or stands closer to you when you’re talking to some other guys and having a good laugh. It’s his way of letting the world know that you’re the one he loves and every other guy should back away.

Jake Paul : At a social gathering, he never gives any girl more attention than he gives you, even if he meets his celebrity crush.

Kade Speiser : You’re always a part of his big plan in life. He speaks about his life and his dreams with you, and you always have a prominent place in all his future plans.

Lucas Dobre : He can’t stay mad at you for any reason for more than a couple of hours. So if he takes the effort to apologize or accept your apology, he really does care about you and your feelings.

Marcus Dobre : He talks a lot. You find out that he opens up really easily to you and talks a lot about everything, be it his life, his plans, his work or even about how annoying his friends really are.

Neels Visser : You’re the last person he speaks to or texts at night. And you always be the first and last thing on his mind every time he wakes up or goes to sleep.

Nick Crompton : He loves spending time with you. He goes out of his way to be with you. And if he has to cancel a date for any genuine reason, he’d do everything it takes to make it up to you on the next date.

Tristan Tales : He never forgets your special days, be it's your birthday or anniversaries or a big day at work. And he goes out of his way to help you prepare for any big days or events in your life.

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