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You could say that over the past couple of weeks, Louis and Harry had gotten incredibly close, almost closer than the friendships that the two had built throughout their childhood years.

Maybe it was as a result of waking up with a hangover and laughing over the scenarios that occurred the previous night. Or maybe the fit of giggles Harry went into after waking up to smell something burning, only to find out that Louis was attempting to make pancakes for breakfast. Eventually, everyone else in the household that had been asleep had also woken up to join Harry in his laugher and Louis couldn't help but laugh too after struggling to retain a strong frown.

That day, the group of boys all lounged around in the living room, watching re-runs of Friends and ordering large amounts of take out through out the day. Harry & Louis were inseparable the following days and week, keeping their giggles and soft touches to a maximum which the boys thought was the 'Honeymoon Stage of a Bromance,' all except Liam and Zayn who kept their gazes locked on the pair, not in disgust, but more in curiosity since the pair were quite the polar opposites. Of course, they kept their comments to a minimum, not wanting to cause a scene so early in their groups' friendship .

Almost 2 weeks later, Harry and Louis were spread out on the floor of Louis' bedroom, typing out their evaluations that will go towards their end of term exam grades. They were both very smart boys, however, Harry was the more motivated and hardworking type whilst Louis easily lost interest which he often left his assignments to the very last minute.

Harry was a very positive influence on him and ensured he was up to date on all his school work. After 2 hours of non stop typing, Louis had taken a well needed break, sprawling out on top of his bed whilst Harry remained on the floor with his laptop in front of him.

"Lou?" Harry said closing his laptop and standing up, earning a short hum from a half asleep Louis.

"We need to go to the library, get up" He declared, knowing it took a lot of effort to awaken Louis when he falls asleep.

"Can't we go tomorrow? I haven't even showered yet." He replied, burying himself deeper into the duvet.

"No" he stated, "If I don't get it today, I can't work my evaluation 'till I get home and I'm almost done" he pouted, which he found out was one of Louis' weaknesses. When he received no reply, he tugged the covers off his body which caused the older boy to laugh in annoyance.

"Come onnn, I'll even buy you tacos on our way back?" He suggested, causing Louis to jolt up in excitement,

"Tacos?" He asked with a wide smile.

"Mmhm" Harry confirmed causing Louis to sprint to the bathroom with his towel in his hand. Harry giggled at his behaviour and began to pack away his things, later climbing on top of the bed whilst he waited for him to finish.

Not more than 10 minutes later, Louis was strolling into the room, with eyes twinkling and glistening skin. As usual Harry couldn't keep his eyes fixed on his phone, a problem he faced many times when he had been in the same room as Louis after he'd showered.

When he started to feel his cheeks heat up, he excused him self, explaining that he was going to get a drink. He walked into the kitchen releasing a much needed sigh, opening the fridge and taking the carton of orange juice out. As he began pouring the contents, he heard a quiet patter of feet, turning around to see Zayn.

"Hey" Zayn greeted whilst he giving Harry a light pat on the back.

"Hi" he replied with a small smile. The two had gotten closer despite the fact that over a month ago, Harry was certain that the raven haired boy despised him. Their new found friendship was mainly due to Louis encouraging the pair to get closer since they all shared the same friendship group and after spending a few hours together, Harry learnt that Zayn had quite a very big soft spot for him.

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