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 The loud noise of a siren went off on my phone. Rolling over to turn my alarm off, I ended on the floor. With the loud thud, my nanny of 18 years came in.

 “Jaxson, you need to get up. You have to start driving with your mother in an hour.” I let out a loud groan as Linda took the warm blankets off my warm body so now I was left with the cold hardwood floor. She made my bed and turned off my alarm, as I laid on the ground. “Goodness Jaxson if this is you at home I don’t want to know what it’ll be like for you in New York.” With that she left the my room.

 I sighed and got up. I walked over to my bathroom and looked at the monster I’ve seen every morning since  I was born. My wavy, honey brown hair was in knots, I had dried drool on my chin and bags under my green eyes. I had an hour till I would have to drive with my mother to New York and unpack my new life for college.

 I needed a shower badly. I turned the water on and waited for it to warm up. Slipping off my tee-shirt, I ran my hand left hand over the scars and freshly new slits. Turning to the side to get a better look at how wide I was. I ran to the toilet and stuck my two longest fingers down my throat. After getting rid of whatever was in my stomach,  I washed my hands and walked over to the  shower and let the water rush over me.

 After a nice new cleansing, I wrapped blue polka dotted towel around my body and a purple striped towel in my hair. I walked out of my bathroom and to the desk I’ve been doing my homework at for 13 years at. There was my neatly folded clothes that I had picked out last night. Letting the blue polka dotted towel fall to the ground. I put on my underwear and bra. I looked over the clothes I picked out. A simple red tanktop with a jean jacket and white shorts. I took the towel off my head as I put in order to put on my clothes. I walked over to the other corner of my room where my makeup table was. I on pencil eyeliner under my eyes, and liquid eyeliner on top. I did my mascara to perfection. I left my hair in waves after brushing it. Putting on my mis matching socks and black high top converse, I took one last look at my room. “See you in December.” With that I shut the door and walked down three flights of stairs.

“Jax?” My baby brother Carson stopped me while I walked past him room. “I know we said goodbye last night but, do you have to go? I mean, I know I am 15 now but, I don’t want you to go.” Carson was under more pressure than me. We were always expected to do well but the difference between Carson and I was that he was athletic. My parents although had more money than they needed were not to happy when I didn’t get a scholarship to NYU. So they have been expecting more of him these past couple months. I thought pressure to do well in school and be respectful and having to act like an adult since birth was hard I can only what it is like to be expected to get a scholarship at age 15.

“Car, I know you are going to have it rough here alone, but I’ll be back before you know it. I will always have my phone on me. Don’t be afraid to call.” I hugged him. “Besides, soon you’ll be 16 and you’ll have your license and you can drive to New York.” Before he could respond my mother was yelling up the stairs for me to hurry up. “I’ll see you on Christmas.” With that I continued my walk down the stairs.

“Goodness Jaxson, lets go. You’re lucky I have  business at one of my stores in New York or I wouldn’t be going with you.” My mother was more than happy for me to go to college. Ignoring her comment I walked over to my dad’s office and tapped on the closed door. No answer.

“Hey Dad, I know you’re busy but, I am leaving.” He didn’t respond. I heard him say “Marissa, stop.” through the glass. Marissa was his assistant. He’s been cheating on my mom for four years now with his assistant who would babysit me when Linda was sick.  “I’ll see you soon daddy.” I let out a sigh and walked out my old home. Time for a new beginning.

My mom and I would be driving to New York together. I would drop her off at her hotel and then go to school. Leaving Boston, was not something I was excited about. I loved living here. I had developed a small Boston accent, and I knew it was noticeable. My parents were not very happy when they came back from Hong Kong when I was 12 and I had an accent. I only got it once my private school was shut down and I had no choice but, to go to a public school where I picked one up.  I didn’t want to go too far away from home and I didn’t want to leave the city life I had come to love, NYU was my top school. Daddy was not very happy when I didn’t apply to Harvard for law, daddy also won’t be very happy when he finds out  I am majoring in Journalism, and not becoming a lawyer.

“Mom, where did you get the name Jaxson from?” I wanted to spark up a conversation with her. Although she wasn’t the greatest mom around, I did love her and didn't want to sit in a car with absoultey silence.

“I had a brother, who died of cancer when I was a teenager. His name we Jackson, spelled with a ‘ck’ but, he always thought spelling it with an ‘x’ was much ‘cooler’. His last words to me were to name my first child after him, boy and girl. He said he hoped I’d have a girl, because a girl named Jaxson would make her a and I quote ‘A kick ass bitch.’” She let out a laugh before continuing. “So I followed his wishes. I was more then please to find out my first child would be a girl because, naming her Jaxson would just complete his wish.”

“Wow.” Is all I could say. I had never known that story. It was only on rare occasions my mom would tell me things like this or answer my questions that would have this kind of response.

We were in New York before I knew it, even though I was driving. Most of the ride after consisted of me singing to songs on the radio. I had dropped my mom at the Peninsula New York Hotel, and was on my way to school.

“Here we go.”

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