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“You have to go! We are so going! Oh my, why didn’t you text me the moment it happened, you had to wait, what, five hours till you told me!” Hazel was practically screaming at me with excitement.

“I don’t see the big deal. It’s Niall boxing, we don’t even like each other. We’ve seen, spoken to each other a total of what, five time!? Every time we see each other he always has a different attitude towards me. One moment he is a jerk to me, and the next he’s acting like he’s acting like we’ve been friends for years. I’m sure he’ll have another attitude after his match.” I explained to Hazel. I honestly wanted her to see that I didn’t understand what was going on with the tattooed boxer. It caused me too much of a headache. I didn’t need that. School was what I needed to focus on.

“Jaxson! It’s a big deal because for someone who’s been a family friend to Niall for years, I know that he doesn’t just ask people to come to his matches, he expects them to. This is a big step for him. I don’t think he’ll ask you to be his girlfriend; cause well Niall doesn’t date he just loves sex, anyway, he’s into you.”

“Or he just wants to have sex with me.” I replied and the more Hazel explains Niall, the more I believe that he only wants to have sex with me. I mean he did say after the match we could “hang out.”  I might be the good, respectful, overprotected daughter my parents raised but, I think  I can understand what a hormonal boy means when he asks me to hang out.

“Whatever Jaxson, I know you’ll end up going. You are very easily persuaded under peer  pressure.” I sighed, knowing that without my nanny, or parents over my shoulder I have lost my ability to say no and that terrifies me.

Hazel had me up all night talking about the match. I didn’t get any time to finish my physics homework and now the only day I can sleep in until nine is ruined, due to the fact that it’s 7:30 and  I was up at six starting my homework that I put off for two days.

I am on my fourth cup of vanilla bean coffee and I am still exhausted. I pray thanks to the physics gods that I only had to finish the lab questions. I only enjoy physics because, I have it with Zayn. I have grown rather fond of him. He’s usually around our dorm with Haze but, Hazel always finds a way to get us alone. I am not complaining though because Zayn is really funny! I am so thankful that he’s become a good friend of mine The other boys are great too!

Louis is well, Louis. He’s really into his soccer career so I usually see him around the gym or doing charity work. He’s so sweet, and it’s very upsetting knowing that he’ll be leaving next year. Harry is my big brother. He is my dream big brother. When I was younger and pictured having a big brother I always pictured someone like Harry. English is always dramatic with us two in the class, we constantly bicker about how wrote the better paper or who wrote the better book. We never settle out debates but, after class we typically have lunch together, it’s nice.

While thinking of Zayn and all my great new found friends, my alarm telling me that I needed to get going if I wanted to meet up with the dark haired boy before class.

“Did you finish the homework? Hazel texted me saying that you can never sleep in, I assumed it was because you have work to finish.” Zayn explained to me handing me my fifth vanilla bean coffee.

“Yes, I did finish. I would have done it last night but, Hazel was talking to me all night about Niall’s match later today.”

“Why would she be talking about Niall’s match, I thought she knew the two of you don’t get along.”

“He invited me to his match. I don’t think I want to go alone with just Hazel, she’ll probably ditch me and then I’ll actually have to hang out with him like he asked.”

“If you want, I’ll go with you but be warned, that is not my scene.”

“You would do that?!” I shouted in relief. “ Wait, the boxing area isn’t your scene, I thought you and Niall were friends.”

“Of course I’d do that.” He let out a chuckle. “Niall has changed. The only one that knows him well enough to keep up with his constant changing is Hazel.” Before I could ask him more about their past relations we were at the classroom door. “Here, let me get that for you.” Zayn said, and like the gentleman he is he opened the physics room door.


Hey guys! So this chapter might me kinda short but, it's very important! Peek into future chapters, Zayn plays a big role in this book. So what name do you ship? Jayn, or Nax? VOTE! COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT!! Much love!


P.S. Who's checked out my other book. I remember the name, it's called "You're Gone but, He's Here Now." CHECK IT OUT!! 

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