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“Niall, can I help you?” I was rather confused as to why Niall was here. Especially since was 11:30 at night on a Tuesday.

“Jaxson,” He breathed out slowly. “I just wanted to clarify things to you. You explain about the other night and why I kissed you.”

“Niall, it’s fine really. You have a little crush on me. I don’t really care.” The moment the word ‘crush’ escaped my lips a smile creeped on my face. When I really think about it, Niall is the first tattooed boy to ever think anything of me. It made me feel special and wild. Like I was a shiny new toy for the Irish bad boy.

“I’m not in year six. I don’t get crushes on people.” He explained. “I just wanted to tell you it was a dare. Lou put me too it. He wanted me to try and kiss you. I was goin’ to but, then I realized how I don’t kiss innocents. That is a crowd I don’t get involved in they are too emotional. Anyways, that is all I wanted to tell you. Bye.” He said as he turned on his heel.

I was quite offended by him calling me an emotional innocent although am bipolar and have severe depression,  I wasn’t trying to give off that vibe. I wanted to change who I was back home. I didn’t know what to say to the blonde that walked away from me but, I wanted to say something to get him to stop. Before I could speak he was no longer in sight.

Two things I knew for sure now. One; I was a dare, a simple joke a Lou played on Niall. Two; I wanted to be a bad girl. Niall’s bad girl.  

When I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear. I rolled over to turn it off. Sitting up in bed I saw Hazel still peacefully sleeping. I sighed at the fact that I am not her and I have to go to class. My outfit consisted of a long black skirt and a black shirt with white lines. I tucked my shirt in and pulled the skirts up under my breast. My hair was up in a bun and my glasses were on -like always. I packed my bag and grabbed my sports bag as well. I didn’t only come to this school for English. I am on the colleges girls basketball team. I lug my tired body to my classes a couple blocks away. I have a couple minutes to spare so I stop at a small coffee shop and ask for a bagel with light cream cheese. While I waited I was able to think about two very important things. One; I haven’t purged in a little over a week. I think that is a good thing and a bad thing. A good thing because it means I have been too distracted to care about how fat I actually am and a bad things because it means I’ve been getting fat again. The other thing I was thinking about is what I said to myself last night. Me wanting to be Niall’s bad girl. Ha! Who am I kidding. Bad girls are strong and fierce. They don’t play basketball and study their butts off like me. Bad girls have tattoos and low grades. Bad girls curse and get piercings. I am not capable of being Niall’s bad girls, let alone anyones.

“Jackson?” The lady yelled, for me to come up and get my bagel that was nicely wrapped. Though this wasn’t Starbucks, it was very similar. I walked over and grabbed my food and read the name. Like expected the woman spelt my name wrong. Just like most people do. I sighed while I opened the door and let the warm breeze and sun embrace me, I walked towards my class. A long day it would be indeed.

It was three in the afternoon when my last class ended. I had practice at the gym at five. I had a couple hours to waste so I decided on going to the music room. I was unable to bring my piano with me obviously due to it’s size, but right now I was craving the keys and the sound of Beethoven being played my fingers.

I was in there for no more than an hour when the doors swung open and there revealed a tall blonde Irish boy carrying a cello and boxing gloves.

“Niall, are you lost? What are you doing in the music room?” This a combination I was not expecting.

“No I am not, and I came to play my cello like I always do after I finish boxing practice. Not that is any of your business Jax.” He replied in a tired and annoyed tone.

“Pardon my curiosity. What would you want me to say to a boy that is covered in tattoos and piercings, has no manners, and was dared to kiss me when he comes into a music room. I’m sorry but, you don’t seem like the kind of person I would find with a cello. So tell me Niall, who’d you beat up for the cello?” I don’t know what came over me. I didn’t care.

“This cello is mine.” Is all he said as set his belongings down and left to get a chair and a pin stopper. “Stop watching me princess. Surprised that I play? Yeah, I’ve been playing since I was three. Out of all people I would think you’d know better than to judge a book by it’s cover. Now I have to practice. Please leave.” I didn’t have a response. Cat must of caught my tongue. I grabbed my things a left.

The door slammed behind me. I was left alone. I looked at the clock ahead and it read 4:15. I stood there for a minute debating my next move when I heard a cello. I peered through the window and saw Niall playing with his eyes closed. He was playing Beethoven's third sonata. That was the same song I was playing before Niall came in


Hey guys! 

I wanted to say sorry if I offended anyone that is bipolar or has depression. I can't relate to thoes things, so it makes it easier to write. I also want to aplogize if at the cafe scene it didn't seem like a starbucks like I wanted it to.  I have never been to starbucks, so I don't really know what it is like. I hope you all liked the twist I put on Niall, you know, playing cello and all that jazz. VOTE, READ and COMMENT!! I really love feedback! Give me your ideas! 


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