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It’s been about four days since Niall punched a hole in the wall by the door. When the janitors asked what happened I said I didn’t know but, I assumed a drunk or high student. Which wasn’t a lie technically because Niall was under the influence of cannabis. I pushed past what Niall did that night. To be truthful Niall wasn’t the first boy to have ‘feelings’ for me. Though I’ve never been in a relationship I guess boys have fancied me before. I was never the type for the whole holding hands, kissing, lovey dovey stuff. I don’t plan on having children or getting married or losing my virginity at that. All those things cause trouble and stress. Why would I want to deal with more stuff than I have to?

I’ve been out with Harry. I met him in my English class because I am an English minor. We hit it right off the bat. He was like a male version of me. Curly brown hair and green eyes. It was like we were brother and sister. Many people had mistaken us for siblings while we strolled the streets of Manhattan. But one thing about Harry confused me. Even through all our similarities, I couldn’t figure out as to why Harry was friends with Louis. Before meeting Louis at registration and him being good friends with my roommate I would have never befriended a person like Louis, or Hazel and Zayn for that matter.

Harry says he met Louis at a big competition that Liam, Niall, and Zayn all participated in too. When they were put in a group and did a really good job. They didn’t make first place and then they all went on their own paths. Harry told me that he went back to his home in Cheshire. He says Liam went back to Ireland with Niall and didn’t hear anything about him or Niall until Harry’s mother Anne (who stayed in touch with Niall’s mom, Maura) told Harry, that both Niall and Liam would be accompanying him to New York where they’d all go the NYU. Harry says he didn’t think much of it when he found out.

“Louis had gone on to continuing his dream of becoming a football, I mean soccer player.” Harry told me as we continued our walk on the path along the Hudson River. “And for Zayn I didn’t know what happened to him. I thought it was coincidence when my mom told me about Niall and Liam going to the same school as me, but when I saw Louis and Zayn here not long after I moved, I thought it had to be fate.”

“Were they always covered in tattoos and piercings?” I asked him. I was honestly very intrigued with Harry’s past relationships with the other boys.

“No. When I first met them they were all great lads. We hit it right of the bat, we all took losing the competition really hard. When I was reunited with them again last year I was amazed by how much they all had changed. Louis and Zayn were still the same people I had befriended years before college but, Niall and Liam were not the same. I don’t really talk to them anymore. I think it is because we have different morals now. I want to focus on school and they like to party. Zayn and Lou on the other hand still keep in touch with the party animals.” He explained everything so nicely. I was finally beginning to figure everything out. I made me very happy to have all my questions answered. I don’t like it when I don’t have a sense of what is going on around me.

“Thank you for explaining that to me Harry. You really didn’t have to. I just like to know what is going on. Not that I’m a control freak or anything it-”

“I get it Jaxson.” He laughed. “You don’t need to explain anything to me. It was my pleasure.” He spoke as he opened the door to Cafe Grumpy.

“Let us sit, over there by with window.” I pointed to two empty chairs. “I like to watch the different people walk by.” I explained. He let out a light chuckle and nodded his head. He must of sat there for hours because they told us it was closing time and kicked us out. We both agreed it was late and walked back to the dorms in which we lived.

“Thanks for hanging out with me. It’s nice to be around someone who doesn’t smell of weed and who talks about things other than the different parties they went to that weekend. Not that there is anything wrong with those kind of people but, I should just shut up.” I blabbered to the curly haired boy in front of me.

“It’s okay Jax. I enjoy your little rambles.” We came to a path that lead to different destinations. One lead to my dorm the other to his. “I guess this is where we part ways. I’ll see you tomorrow!” Harry chirped as he hugged me.

“Bye Styles.” I told him as I returned the hug. We went opposite directions. It wasn’t long until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped a little, but I quickly assumed it to be Harry, forgetting to tell me something. When I turned around I thought I’d meet the green eyes that resembled mine. When I turned around it wasn’t green eyes that met mine, it was blue ones.



Sorry guys! I know this is short! I hope you all enjoy it. I tired to put a little reality in there. I hope you don't mind. Oh, and if you haven't caught on yet, I made all the boys the same age, and they're all sophmores in college. Thanks for reading ! Comment, what you thin so far!


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