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I was in practice, and we were learning a new play. I was point guard, and  for someone who was suppose to be able to think quickly, I was only thinking about Niall. I thought about how extraordinary it was that Niall played cello. There was so much about him that I didn’t know. I never was fascinated by anyone in Boston. They all seemed like the same person to me. Sure there are people like Niall in Boston, covered in tattoos and piercings and have a secret side to them but, living in a respectable home with a family reputation I always had to think about, I never had time for people who were consider different.

“James I didn’t put you as my starter point guard for this season as a freshman for you to daydream!” Coach yelled. She was right, I wasn’t allowed to play sports. Not that I ever told my parents that I picked up basketball, I knew they would kill me. Carson was the athletic boy that my father dreamed of, while I was to play the of the smart older daughter that would become a lawyer. Jokes on my dad. I worked my way to point guard. I didn’t play for the school knowing my father would find out. I had to hustle and practice my ass of this summer, because I wanted to be a starter my freshman year. I shouldn’t throw it away because I am curious about Niall and his cello.

“Thanks to Jax, we will be running a extra mile on top of the 4 that you have to run tonight.” Groans, sighs and glares came from my teammates.

After running the five miles coach pushed us through, I went to the gym. I know call me crazy, but, not only have I been getting fatter but, I need more are muscle if I want to able have more strength on my three pointers. I

The gym was empty, when I went in. I threw my bag on the floor and went to the weights. While lifting I thought of all the food I ate today. A bagel. I already burned that off and I haven’t eaten anything else so after 10 reps I grab some water. With my back to the equipment as I chugged my water, hands wrapped around my waste.

“Following my princess?” The husky voice said to me.

“Niall, please me follow you? No one was in music room when I got there, and no one was here when I arrived. If anything you are following me.” I retorted to the only Irishman to call me princess.

“Well I come here after hours. Do a little lifting and a little running.” He tells me as turn around to meet his gaze. I was distracted by the fact that he was shirtless, and well I don’t see many boys shirtless. “I didn’t know you played ball Jax. Got a little athleticism in ya’ I see.” He says with a grin.

“Niall I have to go.” I say quickly while I bend over to place my water bottle in my bag.

“Come to my match tomorrow.” He says in a very demanding tone.

“What match?”

“Jaxson don’t play dumb with me. I know you saw my gloves earlier today. You could use a good night out, seeing how it seems you always have a stick up your ass.  Anyway it’s at an underground area. Hazel going so you shouldn’t get lost. Be there. Who knows maybe you’ll like it.” I was very memorized by Niall demanding me to go to his match. It was very attractive. “After I win we can grab something to eat.”

“Are you asking me on a date?” I asked as I tried to hide the excitement in my voice.

“I don’t date. It would be like a hangout a dinner between two people that don’t enjoy one anothers company.” Niall stated.

“We’ll see Niall.” With that I walked away with a little extra swing in my hips.


Guys! I am so incrdible sorry that this chapter is so short! I really thought I owed it to you guys for not updating a lot. I thought this chapter might make my readers happy. I think you should all check out my other book about Luke and Ashton. It's NOT a Lashton book but, a book about a girl who is in love with the two of them. I think if you enjoy this you'll enjoy that one too. Is it sad that I forgot the title of my other book? Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! VOTE and COMMENT!!!


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