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I sat one that couch for a good 45 minutes just smoking the mary-jane that had just been rolled up. I was two joints in. Louis and Zayn had left within that time and it was just Niall, Liam and I. Liam kept on rolling the weed, and Niall just sat there. He only took a couple drags. I could feel his on me the entire time, but I was too high to really care what he was doing. “I wanna drink.” I said to the two boys. I got up and went to the kitchen. I had to push many kids around, until I found my drink of choice. Vodka. I had heard many things about how this was the drink for the girls. Hazel had told me in one of her stories that it was her favorite. I put some in a cup took a breath and swallowed. It burned a little bit but, I liked it. I put the cup back on the counter, grabbed the bottle and made my way back to Liam and Niall. They had finished the last of the joint, not long after I sat back down in my spot Hazel and Zayn entered the room.

“Who is ready for stripe poker!?” Hazel slurred and threw the deck of cards that she had been holding on the table. A round of small cheers erupted the room.

“Anything where Jaxson as to take her clothes off I am down for.” Liam piped up. I blushed at the boy that I had just met. I don’t know if it was the alcohol I had been drinking straight from the bottle or all the weed I had recently smoked, but I got this courageous feeling in my stomach and made my way over to Liam. I sat on his lap and planted a kiss on his cheek. “As long as you’re taking your clothes off too.” I whispered in his ear. Words that didn’t sound like they belonged coming out of my mouth. He responded by my kissing my neck and putting his hands on my thighs.

We quickly started the game. Hazel was only in her thong and bra, Zayn was missing his pants, Liam was in his boxers and Niall was fully clothed. Although I still had alcohol and marijuana in my system I was too smart to lose this game. I had a secret that was permanently on my body like a tattoo. It showed all my pain and I refused to let anyone see them. I moved from my spot on Liams lap. I told the group that I was going to the bathroom. I made my way up the stairs to find a bathroom. I walked into many rooms of drunk people having sex until I found the bathroom. I looked like a wreck. I needed to get home. I went down stairs to the group of almost fully nude people. I told Hazel I needed to go, but she didn’t have to drive me and that I could walk. I said my goodbyes. At this point I was rather sober, or at least I felt that way. I had made it about 20 feet from the front door when a hand gripped my arm.

“I can bring you home.” Said an Irish voice. I turned around to meet the only Irishman I knew and was closer than preferred.  

“I can walk Niall.”

“Jaxson, creeps have been partying all night and could be out anywhere. You shouldn’t be alone.” I gave in quickly and let him lead me to his car. In the passenger seat laid many drawings and sketchbooks along with journals and a laptop. I didn’t know what Niall was majoring in but, it had to be something interesting. He quickly moved all his belongings and put them nicely in the back seat. I sat down as Niall walked around the car to get in the drivers seat. I watched him, I took note of his hands, and the way they gripped the steering wheel and how he put the key in the ignition. I took note of how his left hand no tattoos on them and how his right hand had three of them. I noticed the long passage written on his right bicep. No one would be able to read it unless they were only inches away from him.

“Jaxson?” He questioned me, snapping me out of my gazing. “I don’t like it when people look at me for too long. Social anxiety.” I mentally let him slapped myself across the face and turned my head to face the window. I watched the ground and people on the sidewalks turn into a blur. Faces that I’ll never know and a sidewalk I have yet to roam. It wasn’t long until Niall had pulled his car into the parking lot closest to my dorm.

“Thank you for the ride.”

“Let me walk you to your door. I wanna be a true gentleman after letting you drink and smoke weed for the first time. That sounded weird. I’m just going to shut up now.” He told me as he climbed out of his seat. I started to walk up to my door as I heard Niall’s heavy feet lightly jog to catch up with me. “You could of waited for me.” He huffed. I didn’t respond and just kept walking. I pulled my key out of my coat pocket and unlocked the door. Before entering the empty room, I turned to Niall.

“Thanks again for the ride. I had a great time at the party. Um, so, bye?” I said. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be alone, so my bye was more of a question, but a question to myself. I was about to turn into the dark room when a hand was placed on my shoulder and roughly turned me around.

I was now pinned to the wall with Niall’s arms on either side of my head. “What are yo-” I was cut off by a kiss on my forehead. The warmth of soft lips stayed there for only seconds.

“I don’t know what it is about you.” He mumbled against my forehead. He pulled away and stared into my eyes. Blue orbs as dark as the midnight sky and as bright as the sun. Eyes that hypnotize any living being. I was lost for what seemed like years. “What the fuck am I doing?” He yelled as he punched the wall right by head. I was now filled with fear. Scared of the man before me wearing an armour of ink and a mask of a monster. What happened to that man? The man that was so gently kissing my face and who stared back into my eyes with lust. Words couldn’t form for me to question his actions. It wouldn’t matter anyways because he was running down the hall away from me.


Sorry this is so short. I really hope you guys are liking my booking. I'll try to update more


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