Chapter 1~Rare sickness

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Kai's POV

The past months are from bad to more bad. A week ago Nya starts throwing up and we don't know why.
Jay has it hard now , that Nya is ill, so for distraction he's making a invention. I don't know what actually.
The doctors had no clue what for disease she has. But my father told me once that my mother had the same symptoms like Nya.
Maybe he knows what we can do.

I flew to four weapons on my elemental dragon.
"Hey dad." I walked to my father while he was working on some weapons.
"Hello Kai, what brings you here?." He put his hammer down and looked at me.

"Well, Nya has a weird sickness , nobody knows what it is, the doctors don't know either. But you once told me about that mom was sick but she had the same symptoms like Nya. Do you know what we can do?"

My father looked pale and had a worried face.
"Kai?" He asked. "Yeah?" I responded.

"It's time you need to know the hole story. You and Nya weren't born so you don't really know what happened, your mother had a rare illness and there was no cure. Until  Wu and i found the perfect medicine. It was a rare flower named 'Fireblossom' .
That flower can heal a human, it can even bring someone back to life. So Wu and i looked for the flower and found it. We brought it to your mother and she was healed.
I think Nya has the same illness like your mother."

"So that means Nya will live!" I yelled with happiness. "Okay i'll call the others so that we can search for that flow-" I said but my father cut me off.
"Kai.. the bad news is that the flower is.. extinct.."

Wait so that means.. no.. it can't be..

"S-so that means.." i trailed off trying to hold back my tears.
"I'm sorry Kai.." He put a hand on my shoulder.
"No, i'm not gonna let Nya die." I said while i shook his hand off me.
"Kai-" He said but i cut him off.
"No! She is my sister! I'll find a way to save her! That's my promise!" I make my elemental dragon and flew off in the sky.

Time skip

I landed on the temple while my dragon vanished. It was late and everybody was asleep.
Well.. everybody?..

I heard hammering coming from Jay's room. I knocked and the hammering stopped.
"Jay?" I asked while looking through the door.
"Yeah.." he said kind of depressed, he is still working on his invention.
"How are ya?" I asked i mentally slapped myself for that question. "I'm fine." He answered.

After that there was a awkward silent , so i decided to lighten up the mood.
"What are you working at?" I asked while walking closer to the machine.
"It has to be a time machine." Jay said still doing his work. "But this invention will fail like every other."

"Jay, don't say that.. you're inventions are pretty awesome." I put a hand on his shoulder. Okay what i said was a lie but i'm not gonna put him more down.

"Thanks Kai." He smiled but i could see that that smile was forced.
"Well, i have to go.. so see ya tomorrow." I walked towards my room.

I put on my pajama and lay in my bed. Poor Jay.. I really know how he feels but now he is kind of depressed because of Nya.
What was he making? Oh yeah a time machine. Sounds interesting.
If that thing works then i'll get that stupid flower from the past and-
I cut my thoughts off.

Wait.. if Jay finish that machine , Nya will live!
The only thing we have to do is find that flower and save her!
The only thing i feel is happiness right now.
I'll tell the others about it tomorrow.


I joined the others with breakfast and decided to tell it to them. Nya is still in her bed.
"Euhm guys?." I asked. They turned their heads to me. "Maybe i know how we can heal Nya." I said.
"WHAT?! HOW?!" Jay yelled with happiness. That was the first time in the week i saw him smiling.. without force.
"Well there was a flower , a fire blossom. But it is extinct."
"How is that good news Kai." Jay said irritated.
"Well you are making a time machine right?." I smirked at him.
"Well yeah.. but i don't know if it works"
"I know you can do it Jay, if we can travel through time like 40 years ago, we can find the flower and heal Nya."
"Okay for Nya" Jay said confident.

After breakfast i decided to go to Nya. I saw her laying in her bed. She was pale and she looked exhausted. After that Skylor heard the news about Nya she immediately came.

"Heyy Nya." I said gently while i sat on the rand of her bed.
"H-hey kai." She said horsely.
"How do you feel?" I asked.
"As you can see not good kai." After that she couched.
"Am i gonna die Kai?.." she asked while tears wanted to come from her eyes.
"No, of course not. We'll find a way to heal you." I said with a reassuring smile.
"Can you promise?"
"I promise Nya, nothing is gonna happen to you." I hugged her and when i parted from the hug , she was asleep.
I decided to go to Jay, until i heard a loud scream of happiness


Yupp that's Jay.

While i walked towards Jay's room someone hugged me. I saw that it was Skylor, i gladly return the hug.
"I'm sorry about your sister Kai." She said while she parted from the hug.
"It's okay, btw we found a way to heal her."
"Really? How?" She said with happiness.
"I'll tell it you later."

We both were walking towards Jay's room. We looked through the door to reveal a big ass machine with wires and stuff like that.
"Woah, Jay you've impressed me." I said looking amazed.
"Thanks Kai." He stood up and looked proudly at the machine. "The bad news is that there only can 2 persons into the machine."

The others came into Jay's room and had the same reaction as i.
"Oh my- How did you did that Jay?!" Cole almost yelled. "Knowledge." Jay answered.
"Well who's going to safe Nya?." Lloyd asked.

"I'll go , she's my sister after all." I walked forwards to the machine.
"I'll go to-" Jay said but i cut him off.
"No Jay, she needs you here, if i don't make it.. say to her that your big bro loves her." I said.
"I - i will." He stuttered , i think he understand why he don't come with me.

Nobody else dared to take the risk of Jay's machine. Well.. almost.
"I'll come with you to." Skylor said desperate while standing next to me.
We both were walking into the machine and Jay turned the stand to 1977..40 years ago.
"Are you sure you still wanna do this?." Jay asked unsure.

I nodded and took one last glance at my friends. "Came safe home ninjas." Sensei Wu said.
"We will."

And with that we vanished with the machine.

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