Chapter 2~Back in the past

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Kai's POV

It is kinda weird how to describe what actually happened. First we were in the temple and now we are in a another year.
I opened the door and looked through it. I looked amazed at how old it looked.
"Woah." Skylor said while looking around.

We both walked out the machine. We were in a forest but we could see the city from a distance.. well city?
It was more like old houses and stuff. It's pretty cool to see it but we have to go to my father and ask him where the fire blossom is.
That's not going to be easy.

"Okay, we have to remember that the time machine is in the forest. But will nobody steal it?" Skylor asked worried.
"Well." I took some big leaves and put it in front of it so that everything was covered.
"Nobody can steal it , if they can't see it." I smirked.
"Good thinking, now let's go." Skylor said.

We both were walking towards four weapons , we couldn't use our dragons, cause that'll pay attention.
We arrived and i saw a younger version of my father.
"C'mon Kai, you can do it." I whispered to myself.

I walked towards the man and tipped him on his shoulder. "Euhm sir?" I asked while he turned around.

"Hello, what can i do for you?" He said polite
"Well do you know where the Fireblossom is?"
"Yes, only you have to pay for the map."
"Euhh , well can you give it to me.. free?" I asked nervously with a awkward smile.
"I'm sorry kid, no money, no map." He crossed his arms.
"But it is a medicine for someone i really care."
"If you're going to be difficult then i'll get you 2 out of my store."
I became irritated and i think Skylor notice so she interrupted me before i could say something.

"The flower is for his sister sir, if he doesn't get the flower then she'll die." Skylor said
"What don't you understand! No money! No map!" My father said.

That's when i lost my temper.

"I clearly understand! We need the map to save my sister! And do you know what?! It is your daughter!" I yelled.

First my father looked confused and then he burst out laughing.
"Yeah! Right!" He said between his laugher.
"It is the truth, i am your son, Kai!"

"Sorry but if you spend more time of my life i'll show you the way to , Get out of here!"
"Fine , then i'll prove it." I lit my hand on fire and my father gasp.
"Y-you are my son.." he said shocked.

"Damn right, and your future daughter Nya is very ill if she doesn't get the flower.. she'll die.."
"Fine, i'll give you the map and show you where you have to go, but it is a long journey." My father said serious while walking into the store.

Skylor and i smirked at each other.
"You did it well Kai." Skylor smiled.
"I know." I bragged.
"Oh and now i know from who you got your stubbornness."
"Hey!" I said playfully.

My father walked to us with a map in his hands.
"Okay this is where you two have to go....."

Jay's POV

"I hope it worked." Zane said. "Same." Cole said.
"Guys! Of course it worked." I smirked. But in the inside i was unsure, just hoping Kai and Skylor will find the flower.

I think i should tell Nya about it. "Euhm guys, i'm going to Nya so see ya later." I walked towards her door and looked through it.

"Nya?" I asked.
"H-hey Jay." She said weakly and horse.
"Everything okay?" I smiled. I walked towards her bed and sat on the rand.
"Yes, only have i a rare s-sickness where nobody knows what for sickness it i-is." She said sarcastic and weak at the same time.

"Sorry." I said while i took her hand.

"Where's Skylor? S-she wanted to visit m-me." She looked worried.

"Well.. Kai and Skylor were going to the past to find the Fireblossom to heal you." I said while hoping on a good answer.

"R-really? For me?.." she asked weakly with disbelieve.

"Of course! you know Kai, he is the overprotective brother." I smiled.

She chuckled a little bit. "Yes he is, but he's a good brother." She leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Like you are a good boyfriend."
I leaned in and give her a kiss on the cheek. "You are a good girlfriend to Nya."

Just hoping Kai and Skylor will find that flower and everything will be good.

Kai's POV

"Okay thanks sir." Skylor said.
We wanted to walk away but i took one last glance at my father. I really want to tell him that Krux will capture him in the future but if i do that it'll change everything in it.
Change anything change everything.

"Oh and Kai." My father said quickly.
"Save my daughter."
I nodded "i will."
And with that Skylor and i walked away from four weapons.

"Okay first we have to go to the iceblaze , MountainMain , Dessert , and then we have to to the jungle where the flower is. " skylor said while looking at the map.
"Yes, but did my father say something about monsters and creatures?" I asked.
"Yes he said that, you have to listen more to your father Kai" she joked.
"Ha ha very funny." I said sarcastic "Well it's late , maybe we have to set up a campfire or something." I said while we walked towards the forest.

"Yeah good idea, i'll get some wood." Skylor said while she walked towards some bushes.
When everything was ready we decided to sleep.
"Good night Sky." I said while i lay on my back, looking at the stars.
"Good night Hot shot." She lay on her side and immediately fell asleep.

"Don't worry Nya, we'll find that flower and heal you." I whispered while i looked at the stars.

Nya's POV

I'm worried about Kai and Skylor. What if they don't make it? What if i don't make it..
thousands questions flew through my head.
No Nya , you know Kai. He'll never give up. I sighed and looked at the stars through my window.
"Come safe home Kai... Come safe home." I whispered.

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