Chapter 6~ Jungle

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Kai's POV

We stood on the ground again , i looked over my shoulder to see.. Krux?!
"Skylor, we have to get out of here." I said.
She looked over her shoulder to and gasped "Okay, let's run to.. the jungle instead of walking."
And after that, we both run like there's no tomorrow.

After a while we could see the jungle into the distance . "You know.. we could use.. our elemental dragons." Skylor said while panting.

"No, that'll draw attention" i said while i walked with Skylor towards the jungle.
she held the map. "Do you know where exactly the flower is?" I asked.

"The map says that the flower is near a waterfall, you can recognize the flower about the blood red color , there is one of them so it isn't hard to find." She explained

I looked at her and i could tell something's bothering her.
"What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"Well the map also says.. that you can be easily lost into the jungle.. and there's nobody who came back from it.."

"But we have to do it for Nya, and we can also make our elemental dragons.. only necessary, and besides we're ninja. The others aren't." I said while i put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

She smiled "Thanks Kai, let's go."

We both walked in and it was pretty cool , there were big pink flowers , big ass trees and so many other things.
"Woah, this is awesome" Skylor said amazed. I chuckled at her reaction "I know right."

"Okay, fist we have to go to the east , and then to the north and later we can see a waterfall where the Fireblossom is." Skylor said.
"Okay, let's g-" i said but i was cut off by a noise that comes from the bushes.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.
Then we heard rustle from the bushes again. "Yeah.. should we.. look?" She asked afraid while she stand behind me.
"I'll go" i walked towards the bushes and with a shaky hand i removed some bushes.

There was nothing.
"What?" I asked. "Kai! Behind you!" Yelled skylor.
I turn around to see a younger Krux , he kicked me in the back and i face fist with the ground.

Skylor punched him in the jaw , while he was distracted i stood on my feet.
"Quick! We have to find the fireblossom before he has!" I said while running with Skylor.

After a while we couldn't see him "Okay, where do we have to go now?" I asked.
"Okay we were running towards the east and now we have to go to the north." She response.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"I think so, wait i'll check it-" She was searching for the map in her bag but it was.. Gone?!
"It's gone!" She yelled.

"Okay don't panic! If you were right we have now to go to the north." I said.
"It's my fault.." Skylor put her hands on her face.

"Hey, it isn't your fault.. nobody could knew that this would happen." I put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"What if.. we doesn't find that flower.. then i'll loose my best friend.. and her death will be my fault.." she said sadly.

"That won't happen, we'll find a way, and besides i think you were right with where we have to go, we just need to get that flower.. and we will, together."

She removed her hands from her face to look at me with a smile, i smiled back.
"Thank you Kai."
"Hey, everything for a beauty." I joked.
She kissed me while i kissed back. We both separated.

"Let's go, we have to find that flower before Krux." She said confident.
Yupp, that's my girlfriend.

After a while walking we heard a waterfall. "I think we are on our destination." I joked.
"Okay, now we have to search for a red flower." Skylor said while looking around her.

"Oh you mean.. this flower?" We heard a voice behind us saying.
We turned around to see a smirking Krux with a red flower in his hand and in the other the map.
"Crap." I said through my breath.

Jay's POV

Nya is worse now, she has a high fever and she throws up constant. We don't know what to do anymore. I hate to see her like this.
I walked towards her room and knocked. "Who's there?" Asked a muffled and weak voice from the other side.
"It's me, Jay, Can i come in?" I asked hoping on an answer like 'Yes'
After a few seconds she answered "Yeah, you can come in."

I opened the door to see Nya laying in bed. Her hair was messy and she looked pale.
"Hey, how do you feel?" I asked.
"Worse as you can see." She said annoyed. She sighed "Sorry Jay, i'm just.." she sobbed.
I quickly walked towards her bed and put a comforting hand on her shoulder "Hey.. it's okay.." i smiled.

"No it's not.. i hate the pain Jay.. i just.. want it all to stop.." she said through sobs.
"Don't worry , you're pain will stop.. only Kai and Skylor have to return with the flower and then everything will be normal.."  i said while i hugged her.
She gladly return the hug "I don't want to die Jay.."

"You won't" i smiled "Or else i'll kick heavens butt." I joked.
She chuckled "Thanks Jay."
"Everything for you Nya." I smiled "Do you need something?" I asked.
"Yeah." She pulled me in her bed "I need you to lay beside me."

I blushed "S-sure." I stuttered while i had the best feeling ever.
"You're cute when you blush" She snickered a little.
That recommend only make me more blush.

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