Chapter 4~As iron sharpens iron..

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Kai's POV

We walked further until i saw 3 doors with a symbol upon it.
"Which one do we have to choose?" Skylor asked.
"Mmmm" i looked on the wall and saw some words which i couldn't understand.
"Skylor" i got her attention and she stand beside me "Do you know what this means?" I asked.

She tipped her chin "Well this means 'Iron' and this 'Sharpens' " she pointed to different words while she tried to translate it.
"Iron.. sharpens.." then realization hit me like a truck.
As iron sharpens iron.. brother sharpens brother.
But before i could say anything Skylor interrupted me with the word 'Sibling'

As iron sharpens iron.. i have no idea what they meant with sibling but i could at least try.
"As iron sharpens iron.. Sibling sharpens sibling.." i said.
"That can be the key, but how do we know which door we have to choose?" Skylor asked.

I walked towards the door and looked at the symbols.
One was with a tiger. The other with ice and the last one.. it look exactly like Nya's symbol.

"As iron sharpens iron.." i gasped "Sibling sharpens Sibling!" I almost yelled of happiness.
"This is the door!" I said while pointing to the last door.
"How do you know?" Skylor asked while walking towards me.
"Sibling sharpens Sibling, this symbol is the exact copy of Nya's. And she's my sibling." I said with proud in my voice.

"Okay, let's do it." Skylor said.
I pulled on the handle.. opened the door. And nothing happened.
We both give a sigh of relief.

"Okay let's go." Skylor said. She walked further but then she stood on rope who was attached to the walls.
"Oh no.." i said while looking around me. "Maybe it was just to scare u-" I said but i was interrupted with a loud thump.
"Or not.." i finished. "Run!" We both yelled.

We run into the halls. I looked over my shoulder to see a that the walls begin to move to each other.
If we don't run faster , we'll be mashed ninjas.

I looked forward to see the end of the temple.

"Faster Skylor!" I yelled.
We run as fast as we could and when the walls almost touched each other we were outside.

I collapsed on my back of exhaustion. "That..Never!" I said between pants.
"Me too." Skylor said while sitting with her back on a tree.

"Should we search tomorrow for the dessert?" She asked

Unknown POV

I followed that red ninja for hours. In the iceblaze and now i'm standing for a temple.
"Well.. here goes nothing." I said to myself while i walked in...

Zane's POV

We woke up from a scream in agony from.. Nya?!
"Nya!" We all yelled, but you could hear that Jay was the loudest.
We all run towards her room. She was in her bed and she held her arms over her stomach.
"Nya, is everything okay?" Jay asked. My friends and i face palmed from that question.
"Of course she isn't Jay! Now go help her!" Cole whisper yelled to him.
After that Jaywalked over to Nya.

I feel bad, we can't do something to help her. We can only see her struggling with pain.

Jay's POV

"Hey Nya, what happened?" I asked with worry while i sat on the rand of her bed.
"I-i feel pain in my stomach, and i-it feels like thousand daggers are stabbed into me." She said weakly while tears wanted to escape her eyes.
Boy i'm glad Kai isn't here, he'll be the overprotective brother and will freak out.

"Hey Nya.. it's okay" i hugged her "Everything's gonna be okay."
"T-thanks Jay.. i think i need some sleep." I lay Nya back on her bed and give a kiss on her cheek before i leaved.

When we were out of Nya's room we stood outside in silence. It was pretty awkward so i decided to act first.
"Euhm.. Zane?"
"Yes Jay?" He responded.
"Do you know what we can do to give her.. less pain." I asked.

"We can try to make her some soup, maybe that'll help. But i can't find out what we have to do in my database."
"Well.. we can try.. thanks Zane." I smiled weakly.
"No problem, Jay"

' Nya.. stay strong..'

Kai's POV

Skylor and i were resting by some trees until we heard some rocks moving from the temple.
"We need to hide now" i said while sitting behind some bushes. Skylor joined me.
We saw that there was a man with black hair and a black mustache.
Wait a minute...

"Who's that?-" Skylor asked but i quickly sushed her. "We need to move.. like now" i whispered to her.
"Okay.." she said confused. We both run towards the next destination... the dessert.

We run for a good 30 minutes until we almost collapsed of exhausting.
"Okay.. who.. was that?" Skylor asked between pants.
I looked over my shoulder, i couldn't see him anymore so it'll be safe. "I'll tell you while we make our camp here."

When we were done it was almost dark. "Okay will you tell me now who that guy was?" Skylor asked a little impatient.

"Well.. let's just say he isn't a good guy.. he captured my parents when Nya was 3 and i 5  , Later we've found that out and defeated him. Well Wu did that.. That guy was Krux and his brother was Acronix.. Krux is only here younger."

"But why does he follow us?" Skylor asked while sitting across me.
"My parents told me that he visited them.. a lot.. and i think when we asked for the map.. that Krux there also was.." i said worried.

"If that's true we need to find that flower before him."

"Well i think i'm gonna get some sleep." Skylor yawned after that and lay on her back. "Good night." She said.
"Good night Skylor." I admit it she is pretty cute.

Now i'm laying on my back to, looking at the stars.
I'm curious how Nya is now.. is she alright?

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