Chapter 7~Captured?!

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Kai's POV

"Krux! Give that flower!" I yelled while walking towards him.
"Not so fast Kai." Krux said like my name was poison. "If you come closer , i'll break this flower and then your pathetic sister will die."
I felt rage build inside of me "NOBODY TALK ABOUT MY SISTER LIKE THAT!" I yelled while my hands became flaming orbs.

I looked beside me but i couldn't find Skylor. When i looked forward again i could see her standing behind Krux.
"Now!" Skylor and i both yelled. Before Krux even could react , Skylor kicked him in the back while i jumped over him and took his flower out of his hand.

"Okay, we have to go back!" I said "Make your elemental dragon!"
"But-" she response.
"I know, but this is necessary." I smiled.
"Okay, let's do this!"

We both summoned our elemental dragon. I give the flower to Skylor but when we wanted to fly Krux jumped behind my dragon.
"What the-" i said but was cut off by krux.
"Not so fast ninja!" He walked towards me. "Skylor! Go ! i'll keep you up." I yelled.
"But Kai-"
"Go Skylor!" I looked at her with pleading eyes so that she'll go to the time machine.

"If anything goes wrong , you can find me with your wristband."
"Okay Kai, stay safe." And with that she flew to the time machine.

"Aww what brave." I heard a taunting voice behind me saying. "But stupid."
I stood on my dragon but i could keep my balance. "It's sad that this is your end."
"I don't think so." I said.

Krux had a dagger and wanted to slash at me. I dodge and kicked him on the knees. He let out a grunt but recovered quickly. I kicked him in the gut as he fell backwards.
"I think, this is your end Krux" i said while walking towards his direction.

But before i even could react he stabbed me in my right side as blood came out. I let out a scream as i was breathing heavily while i struggled to keep my balance  while clutch my left hand on my right side.
"You lose ninja!" He wanted to stab me again but i managed to kick him on his ankle.
While he was distracted i used all my strength to kick him off my dragon.

We weren't that high so he isn't dead. I think.
I ripped a part of my ninja gi to cover my wound. I hissed in pain while my cloth make contact with the wound.

I put the button of my wristband on to make contact with Skylor.
"Hey Kai."
"Hey, where are you?"
"I'm almost by the time machine , where are you?"
"Well.. Krux managed to stab me but don't worry , i'll be on my way."
"What?! Kai smith you are a trouble magnet." She almost yelled
I chuckled a little bit "See ya later beauty."
"Don't get into more trouble , but later hot shot."

And with that i flew to the time machine.
After a while i finally was in the woods. My elemental dragon disappeared while i lay on my back of exhaustion.
I stood up shakily , while i looked around.. but i couldn't find Skylor.
"Skylor? Hello? Are you here?" I walked towards the time machine to see the wristband of Skylor laying on the ground. "Ohh no..."

I saw a paper laying beside it.
Hello, if you read this message i have your dear beloved girlfriend. If you don't want her to get hurt you have to go to the ninjago museum at midnight.. today.
No friends.. only you.

It was 10 o'clock so i have some time to make a plan.

Skylor's POV

When my conversation with Kai was over a hand quickly covered my mouth. I could only make muffled sounds. "Shhh.. don't worry princess.. you'll be in.. bad hands." And with that. My world went black.

I woke up to reveal a dark room. I was locked up in a cage. I tried to use fire but it didn't work.
"Don't use your energy on it. It's vengstone." A silhouette stood before me. He walked towards me so that i could see him. It was Krux.
"But.. how?! Kai threw you off the dragon!" I almost yelled.

"I have my contacts.. and you can't get rid of me that easily." he said darkly "Mm it's 11 o'clock.." he said while looking at his dumb history watch "You're boyfriend has one hour."

"What do you mean?" I asked worried of Kai.
"Well, i have a plan for him.."
"This is a trap.. No, Kai will defeat you once and for all , he'll come with a plan."
Krux chuckled darkly "I'm planning on it."

Kai's POV

Okay it is half past 11 so i have an half hour. I have a plan but i don't know if it will work.
I summoned my elemental dragon and flew off to the ninjago museum.
I stood in the front door but i walked towards his 'Secret' hideout. I knew exactly where it was.
I put the chair backwards and the wall moved to the right. I walked in and saw Skylor in a cage.

"Skylor!" I yelled while running towards her. "Kai!"
"Yes it's me and we both will get out of here."
"Kai! This is a trap! You have to get out of here!" She whisper yelled.
"Not without you."

Krux clapped sarcastic in his hands "So red ninja.. you've come."
"No really." I said sarcastic while rolling my eyes. "I thought i was still in the woods."
Skylor chuckled a little at my response.

"Enough! You'll soon join your girlfriend Kai!"

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