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I am now, very common,
It is beyond my belief.
You will not even notice me,
As I am walking down a street.

I have short, brownish hair,
And it has lost its usual gleam.
And it's very, very thin,
As I put my " Rogain" in.

And I am frumpy and short,
And will never grow another inch.
But I still have some of my looks my friend
And those will work for me again
When I am in such a deeper clinch!

What is better than that,
I still have my books.
And inside my books,
I can regained again my looks!

So when I read, I can also dream,
And I believe I am young again,
Inside my books it does seem.

For inside each of us are our books.
And Anything that we can dream,
We also can become!

As Ever,
Mary Ellen Campbell

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