"Foolish People"

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Deeply, I hurt inside my head.
Wanting not too hear the news,
I deeply do dread!
Only for me to awaken again and feel the pain.
Then to become willing too write it all down again.
Only for my actions,
Of being so vain!
For I believe deeply,
Within my heart,
For I awoke during the night,
And still this morning nothing is right!

The final news will come,
For us in our own time.
But we remain on this earthly plane now,
Where not one thing is fine.
But we can come back stronger,
Even if we are all wrong.
And a lot more worthy,
As we trudge through these days alone!

Why do we think,
That we are in control?
When we can't seem to carry,
Our own large load!
The "Foolishness" of people,
I have come too believe.
That we see not what is coming,
Too break earths' fragility!

"Fools" are we all,
Never, are we to ever learn!
Who will soon be coming for us,
And who will get burned?
Being human.
In this the grandest of schemes.
But it's better to be,
Something, than nothing.
That's what I have come to believe?

There is a great question,
And I think about for us all.
I will answer it honestly,
For I believe it's my call.
That we are more worthy,
Than we ever expected too be.
And that soon we will learn,
What we were meant to see!
And we will carry on,
After this world break our hearts.
And we will become wiser,
Knowing we had a great part!

So remember this,
Don't ever look forward,
And never, ever look back.
For what we know as of now,


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