Chapter 35- Condemnation

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Mira rose long after all the other girls in the women's quarters. It was not without a fair taste of reluctance that she tossed off the worn covers and stepped onto the cold stone ground. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she opened her lock box and drew out the change of clothes she had been issued. It was only a simple brown dress and green jerkin, but the coarse fabric felt far more familiar than the fine garments she had worn for the ball.

The city remained subdued as she walked to the bathing pools. Few people shot glances at her as she walked while most kept to themselves. For whatever reason the guards appeared more appreciative than the other men and women; most greeted her with a smile and nod but all wore an absentminded countenance. A question hovered over the city. What was to be done?

What is to be done? Mira thought, enjoying the warmth of the water as she slipped into the cave-like springs. Saracyir had made a good point: leaving Caeros and the others in the Lower Halls would be poisonous to the morale of the city. Even now a spell bound the people; that was obvious enough. But leaving the rebellious aura of the rebels to stew in the Lower Halls would solve nothing. They must be dealt with but how?

Mira murmured as she felt the coarse cloth scrub off the gore from her face and with it the miseries of the previous day. The blood was only a thin film but it felt like a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. The steaming waters around her darkened noticeably with the dirt and grime but she hardly contemplated it as her mind wandered like the warm clouds of mist that rose from the spring.

It did not take long for her thoughts to settle on the sparing she had undergone with Saracyir hours before. Just how it had happened - even what had happened - still eluded her. Mira's hands softly reached out and mimed grabbing the sword as she had before, envisioning it bursting into shattered steel.

After the scene unfolded in her mind several times she rose and dressed in the clothes she had brought. Despite all that had happened food sounded downright unappetizing so she forwent heading to the merchant district. Instead the words written the books of Naevir called for her.

Naevir was uncommonly occupied. Sounds from the gurgling fountain were nearly drowned out by the murmuring of people beside their books and scrolls. The light of the Prophecies danced across the flowing water in captivating arcs that drew her in.

She gently passed the other patrons of the library until she stood only a step away from where the water tumbled against the stone floor and through the grooves in the rock at its base. The Prophecies were even more beautiful than she remembered, their smooth faces sparkling like polished stones in a roaring river.

"Mira!" a familiar voice called. A couple people glanced, annoyed, toward the sound but shrugged and went back to their books as Samantha darted to where Mira stood. "How are you? I looked for you last night but you were nowhere to be found. Finally I decided to wait here as I knew you would come as soon as you had a moment."

Mira could not help but smile at the younger girl's beaming face. "That was sound reasoning, Sam. What is it that you have done while you waited?"

At this the small girl wrinkled her nose. "Scarcely anything, I'm afraid. Books have always proven rather dull to me."

Eyes widening in mock horror, Mira gaped. "You mustn't be serious!"

Samantha giggled and nodded. "I'm afraid so. What has kept you?"

A small sigh escaped Mira. "I kept company with Saracyir at Ennor's side much of last night."

"Ah, and how does he fair?"

Mira shrugged, unsure of how to respond. "He improves," she finally replied. Samantha did not seem to notice the hesitation, instead nodding emphatically and turning to look at the fountain.

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