Anwsers pt. 2

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Percy---2 weeks later
"Annabeth I trust him, I mean he hasn't given me reason not to." I announced to Annabeth
"Are you sure Percy your ready to do this?" Concern laced her voice
"Ya I got this I'll get everyone to come to my house after school."
"Ok seaweed brain anyways we gotta go to English, come on."

After English it was dismissal I told everyone to come to my house at 3:30.
So that gave me 15 minutes to prepare I told Jason, Grover and Reyna what I was doing they all agreed with my choice and said they'll support me no matter what.
I cleaned my room, did the dishes and did the laundry, I was listening to Twentyonepilots it was blasting Loud I didn't here the door knock so that led to Reyna bursting in. Heheh oops
"Sorry I didn't here you guys knock." I said turning red from embarrassment I turned down the music I was listening to 'We don't believe what's on TV'
"What are u listening too?" Frank asked me
"It's a band called Twentyonepilots there my favorite. Anyways I called all you guys here for a reason anyone want something to drink we have coke, water, Pepsi?" I asked, I was trying to convince myself I wasn't stalling but I knew I was.
After they told me I went and got there drinks.
After I handed them their drinks I sat next to Annabeth and grabbed her hand and started playing with it, I just intertwined her fingers with mine. I do it a lot I think she's used to it by now.
"Aww that's so cute." Calypso said
Alright pause so before I go on I should tell u all who's here
Annabeth-already knows
Jason-already knows
Grover-already knows
Reyna-already knows
The Stolls
That it that's all who I trusted enough to tell
It seems like a lot I know. But I trust them so here we go.
"Ok so as you guys know my real dad left while my mom was still pregnant with me, he was lost at sea. So I never knew him at all. But when I was around 9 years old my mom couldn't raise me by herself, she needed money and shelter the only way to get that was to marry a total douchebag named Gabe. I called him Smelly Gabe."
I got a few chuckles from that
"Anyways my mom didn't want to marry him but she had to to keep me educated and healthy so that we weren't in the streets so basically my mom sacrificed her simple life for me. But in doing so Gabe developed a drinking, and a gambling problem."
A few gasps were spread. I was still playing with her hand.
"But when he drinks he becomes violent, so when he felt like it or he lost a bet or if I was late to be home, or I talked back, even if I just breathed too loud he would get violent and beat me."
I was squeezing Annabeth hand at this point.
"And that included beer bottles being thrown, one time he decided to hurt my mom he gave her a concussion he was really drunk at that time more then ever. So I tried stopping it I ended up with a broken leg, concussion, glass in my back, fractured arm and cuts and bruises. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks. That what the hospital wristband was from that Nico found."
My hands started to shake but Annabeth just held them. My voice started cracking but I kept going.
"He ended up in jail after that happened, now he sits in a cell in Alaska, I was abused for 5 years. So when you say it looks like I haven't gotten much sleep it's because I have nightmares somedays and that was one of those days. So when that whole gym thing happens most of the school saw my scars those are all from Gabe. So when I went to my appointment he checked my injury but he ended up seeing my scars and asked about them he asked if they hurt when I put pressure on any of them. I didn't know so he went through and put pressure on them they didn't hurt accept for one. The one right here is the one."
I said that while pointing to the one of the scars on my back.
When he put pressure on it I could feel how it did when it happened I got a flashback to it. He said it was because it didn't heal properly so he gave me medication but I don't think it's gonna work."
Piper, Hazel and basically all the girls even Thalia had tears streaming down their face.
"It has taken me forever to have the courage to tell u guys this, I trust you with this so please don't be a pain in my-
"PERCY!" Annabeth interrupted
"Right sorry, anyways just don't go around telling everyone."
" Piper was the first to break from her trance and gave me a big hug.
That led to everyone else it was a big group hug.
No one said anything
"Alright anyways that's the past I'm ok now, I lived I'm here you guys are here that's all that matters. Now I believe we all have homework to do. Come on let's do it."
Everyone sadly piled out there homework I decided to play Twentyonepilots, it was silent all until my Mom came in with groceries with Sophie carrying 1 thing of bread. I got up and helped grab groceries so did Jason. My mom asked why it was silent I told her what happened and she just looked down.
"Percy I'm so sorry that was all my fault I put u through that-
"Mom stop blaming yourself I lived see I'm here and I couldn't be happier, it was all his fault and now he's getting what he deserves."
My mom kissed my head, I had to crouch down, then she put on her apron and started making cookies, blue I hope.
Jason and I decided to put groceries away.
When we were done I come back to see Sophie sitting on Annabeth lap.
I come in behind Annabeth and pick up Sophie and put her on my shoulders. She loves it when I do this she started laughing when I ran around the house.
"I wont- woooooohooooo!" I replied
I came back and sat her down on the counter
"Again again pweasssse big bro?" She gave me the puppy dog eyes I can never resist
"I have a better idea how about we go to the park and when we come back mom will have cookies sound good?" I suggested
"Ok fine with me." She replied
I then picked her up and set her on the ground
"So who wants to go to the park?"

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