"I'll just lick his face instead"

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Matt POV (short)
  I wasn't sure wether to feel bad or be grateful Jackson was gone for the next week. In middle school I was a king, and now Percy is and I don't understand.

   He will pay for taking everything away from me, if you really thought I didn't have an idea of revenge, you must really not know me at all.

Annabeth POV

So I texted Percy last night and he was always so sweet and knew what to say. I asked how he was and then we started talking about how angry Matt was after gym and how he was almost crying. He enjoyed that story.

   We then just talked about random stuff. Until he had to go and we said our goodbyes. I was falling for him but I never knew if he liked me back.

*Next day after school*

   "Ok so who has Percy's stuff again?" I ask as we approach the doors of Goode high school leaving for the weekend. We were bringing Percy's homework for the days he's been gone. I hope he does at least some of it.

  "I do, and boy does he have a shit ton. His algebra teacher must really not like him." Frank said walking along side us. We had everyone with us, Nico even said he was free today for a little while.

   "Im just happy to see him." I said. Shoot. Why did I say that out loud?

"Oh?" Some of them said in sync. I blushed in embarrassment and started playing with my hair. Something I did when I got nervous or embarrassed, sometimes even both.

   "Annabeth Chase has a crush on the Percy Jackson. I knew it!" Leo basically shouting causing heads to look. I clamped my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up or I'll slit your throat." Ok that may have been a bit much.

"Dayummm remind me not to get on your bad side."

"That was hot." Both Thalia and Reyna said in sync. We all look at them for a second. Reyna bolts towards the car and Thalia follows close behind.

  "Alright then, let's go see our little mermaid."


   When we approached his apartment door you could smell cookies being baked, and you could hear soft music playing in the background. I've been here a few times for the project we had in creative writing. And I can never get over how cozy his place is. Mine is too big and empty. Not any family love happens in my family really, I'm more excluded but I have a family here as well.

   Jason knocks on the door in the weirdest way I've ever seen. He knocked once at each corner of the door and then 3 times fast, 3 times in a row. We all gave him 'what the hell' looks, but he just shrugged as if it was normal.  Thalia snorted and said Nerd under her breathe, Jason was about to talk back until he was interrupted.

"Jason! I got it!" You can hear Sophie yell, her fast footsteps being heard through the door. Soon enough we're met with a little bundle of joy in a mini yellow jumpsuit and pigtails.  Sally soon joins behind her in an apron covered in blue batter and some flour.

  "So sorry, it's a mess. I'm baking some cookies, they're just about done if you guys want to have some. And I assume your here for Percy. He is I think, asleep? Sophie go get him and if he's asleep wake him up." Sophie's eyes lit up in a mischievous glare.

"Can I use water?" Her innocent cute little face made me want to say yes a thousand times, I didn't even care what she needed it for.

Sally chuckles, "if you clean it up." Sophie debated for a good 10 seconds before saying "I'll just lick him instead." And she runs off. We all laugh lightly at her antics. Sally welcomes us in and we make our way into the living room.

  We suddenly hear a "SOPH GROSS!" a giggle is made way through the hall and a Percy carrying her over his shoulder as he wipes his face with his shirt. Which you could see his golden deep tan and white scars when his shirt lifted up. I wonder what that's all about?

   Sophie kept giggling as Percy tickled her and begged him to stop through her laughter. He finally put her down and she went to her mom laughing even more. Kids.

   "Hey guys, sorry she gets a little crazy." Looking st him it looked as if he didn't sleep at all, or eaten for that matter. We all had worried faces and he noticed.

"Oh yah, I look like death. No worries I'll be good and new when I'm back at school." He cautiously sat down on a open chair and some of us remained standing.

"Speaking of school, here you go." Frank cut in and let out a sigh of relief after giving off his homework onto the coffee table.

"Fuck me." He sighs deeply and rubs his face to make himself more alert.

"Alright, well thank you. I really appreciate it guys." It made my heart melt at his manners and his voice, it was so husky kind of and his face was just so handsome. Like is he even real? Ok now I've gone crazy.

  "Yah Annabeth here, is just happy to see you." Nico said with a smirk. Percy looked at me with a tiny smile. "Is that so?"

" I mean we're all happy to see you, aren't we guys?" I edged them to agree so that Percy didn't think I was psycho. They didn't seem to care.

"Nope pretty sure it was just you."

"Yah all you Chase."

Various responses like that and I wanted to run out but then I caught Percy and he was laughing but had a blush on his face as well.

"Alright we'll be back soon, I got to run Sophie to dance and then I have to head to the store. We'll be back soon, and Paul should be home within the hour." Sally told Percy as she was getting her jacket on and grabbing her purse and keys.

"Got it." Percy said back

    "And, Please don't try and burn down the place again, and especially don't try and make anything in the kitchen you know what happened last time." After she left we all shot Percy some questioning looks.

  "What?" He was so oblivious sometimes.

Percy laid across the couch at some point and we all snacked on cookies and hung out like normal teenagers.
   Hazel was telling a story about her goldfish and how it ran away but also started a fire. Now it sounds crazy but if you were there for the whole story it was really funny and we all had a good laugh. Percy was laughing and coughing and then would stop, then would do it again in that order. We all were alarmed but he said it's fine and kept laughing.

   What made us laugh even harder was when he made this wheezing, dying whale sound.

   After we kind of calmed down we kinda sat for a couple minutes in a comfortable silence.

"Can we go outside, please?" Percy asked breaking the silence.

"Percy your mom would not appreciate that very much." Grover told him what we were all thinking. Until he pulled on us his charmer.
The baby seal eyes.
    Before we knew it we were all walking outside down by the park. All was good too, until of course we spotted Matt and his gang.

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