Park accident

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Hazel POV
When Percy told us all that I couldn't help but let tears stream down my face. No kid should have Gone through that I found out that Jason, Annabeth, Reyna and Grover already knew about it. Which I'm fine with I understand why he waited to tell us and I'm happy he waited.

Percy has the cutest little sister ever. When he put her on his shoulders and ran around ugh it was so cute Annabeth got a few photos she said she's gonna use them as a surprise for his birthday.

We walked to the park it wasn't that far, Sophie went on Jason's shoulders this time. Jason didn't seem to mind, it was almost like it was normal. Percy and I led the way holding hands.
"I'm glad I told them I feel so relieved." He said
"I'm proud of you seaweed brain."
"Well that's a first."
I playfully punched his arm, he started chuckling a little.
When we arrived at the park Sophie immediately got off Jason shoulders and went on the playground and said last one to the playground is it. We all raced to the playground. Leo ended up having to be it. We were playing tag. Leo got frank, frank got Piper, Piper got Hazel got Sophie which was really cute because Sophie was hiding behind a tree and Hazel sneaked up on her. Sophie then got me, I was going for Thalia. Thalia is very fast and sneaky but I am too.

Thalia was in a tree hiding I sneakily climb up it and tagged her I jumped down and ran. Thalia wasn't paying attention so she didn't know I was the one who got her. So she assumed it was Percy now that was interesting to see. See when you have Percy a track runner and he's also the fastest swimmer. Well it's entertaining to watch and Thalia is also quite the speedster herself. They went on for 15 minutes non stop running. And Thalia doesn't give up. Percy wasn't watching where he was going and fell in the lake.
There's a lake next to the park but it is a fair distance away. He fell right into the lake. At first we freaked out cuz he didn't come up right away but then his head popped up. Thalia couldn't take it she just sat on the ground laughing her head off. I have to admit it was hilarious we were all laughing but then Jason and I ran to Percy to see if he needed help.
"You need some help seaweed brain?"
"Um you know what I think I'm gonna swim for a while there's a dock over here I'll meet you guys over their."
" bro that's a pretty good distance across you sure you won't be tired out by then?"
"Did Jason Grace just challenge me?"
" no Percy it's just-
"Too late I take it as a challenge and I will gladly accept it, meet you over their."

By the time we got their Percy was already sitting on the dock waiting
"How did you-how wha- just wait how did u swim that fast?" Leo asked confused
"Hello you're looking at the fastest swimmer in the state."
"Oh ya sorry I forgot but still bro you're gonna be in the Olympics or something daaannnggg." Leo said impressed
"So now what seaweed brain?"
He gave me that troublemaker grin oh no.
"No no no no Percy don't do what I think you're gonna do." I said a little panicky
"What is he gonna do?" Luke asked
Before luke could finish that sentence Percy pulled me with him into the water.
"DANG it Percy!"
"Hey hey remember what happened last time wasn't so bad now huh?"
"What happened last time?" Frank asked
"Nothing" we said at the same time giving each other a knowing smirk
"Come on guys get in" Percy said
Then that when everyone jumped in.
We were laughing for a little until Percy turned pale
"Percy what wrong?" I asked
Everyone turned to Percy
"Where. Is. Sophie.?" He questioned looking like he was gunna pass out
No one said anything
That is when I saw Percy swim from one point to another in less then a second he bolted out of the lake and started screaming Sophie.
We all got out looking for her
"SOPHIE WHERE ARE YOU?" We all yelled
"PERCYYYYY" we heard a tiny scream
"HELLLPPPP!" We heard it again it was coming from the middle of the woods.
Percy ran faster then The Flash, when he heard those words. When we found Sophie Percy was already their holding Sophie.
She was crying she had a dented looking elbow.
"Hello, I'm calling from (insert park name) my little sister injured her elbow." Percy was on the phone with 911.
—3 hours later
"Family for Sophie Blofis?" The male doctor called out. We all stood up right away.
"Alright so it looks that she broke her elbow. She is in a cast right now, you may see her. But I recommend only immediate family members." Percy looked back and we all nodded. Him, Sally, and Paul went and followed the doctor to the room.
1 hour later.
Percy and Paul came out and said Sally was gonna stay as everyone else headed out. We all felt sorry for Percy and Sophie but we didn't know how to talk to him when he is blaming himself for all of this.

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