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   Finally, Sunday a day of rest and peace. Well for someone normal at least. I, still being bruised up was not enjoying my time stuck in this apartment. As much as I dislike school I was relieved when my mom said I could go back Monday.

   I still had a ton of homework to do and it was times like these I wish I didn't save it for last minute for the most part.

  The stress my homework was giving me made me just toss it on the floor and decided to browse through my Instagram feed liking random videos and pictures. I was interrupted by a light knock on my door.

"Hey Percy, just wanted to tell you dinner will be ready soon." My mother peeked only her head in as she told me, I nodded and went back to my phone.
  "So Percy will be back tomorrow, I'm working a slightly longer shift tomorrow since someone had a family emergency. Sophie, dad will pick you up today for your recital ok? So most likely he may be a little late. And Percy, Paul will take you at 1:30 for the recital."
My mom went over what tomorrow will look like for everyone, I picked at my food not really hungry.

I heard the conversation continue when I started thinking. Sophie is so lucky, she has a father to come pick her up and a mom who can be there full time. Does dance and has friends.

  Growing up for me... my dad died overseas, my stepdad was abusive as hell and my mom was rarely around as she was working all the time. I didn't have a lot of friends accept for Grover, and yes as much as I am grateful for everything I just wish I-

"Percy, sweetheart?" My moms soft voice brought me out of my trance. I could feel my hands shaking underneath the table as I made eye contact with her.

"Are you alright? You're looking a little pale?" Her hand settled on my arm in a comforting way, but I flinched at the touch. I could see the hurt in her eyes which made me feel worse.

"I-I think I'm just-just gonna go lie down." I got up and left without another word.

I run my hand through my hair and splash cold water on my face, trying to get all the memories out fo my head. All I can remember is the way he would hit me harder if I made a sound, the death threats, the constant insults. I have scars that I don't think my mom has even seen.
Mainly I'm too scared too show her, it would dig up stuff I don't want to remember. But here I am.

   The way he'd grab me by the neck and strangle me till I felt myself slipping and then he'd let go. It all hit me at once.

   I didn't dare try and sleep knowing vivid nightmares were awaiting. I decided to go out and get a glass of water to refresh my mind.

  Sucky thing about wood floor is they creak, I just hoped it isn't wake anyone up as I walked down the dark hallway towards the kitchen.

I filled up the cup and turned to be met with my mom. I slightly jumped in surprise but regained my balance quickly.

"Percy? Are you alright? I was gonna come talk to you but thought you wanna be alone."  My moms tired eyes greeted my broken ones.

"I'm fine just can't sleep," I sit down at the table "decided some water would help." I gulp down a fourth of the glass and relax into the chair.

"Honey, I'm sorry about dinner. I didnt mean to make you flinch like that..." my mom had guilt clouding her eyes, making me feel bad for making her feel that way.

"Mom, no no. I just wasn't myself and I'm sorry. I just- never mind. Why don't you try and head to sleep mom?" I drank down another fourth of the glass leaving it half full.

"No no tell me Percy what's on your mind? Is it something I did?" She looked me in the eyes as I traced the rim of the glass.

"You didn't do anything mom. Just, Sophie gets a dad and a mom. And well my dad died over seas, stepdad didn't work out to well, and then you were gone all the time working shifts to raise me. I didn't have much friends growing up till now. And then of course it just seems like it's all my fault that your life took a turn for the worse and I guess I'm just freaked out by all of it." It felt good to get that off my chest, but also it stressed me out. Especially when she didn't answer right away.

   "I know I know it's dumb I shouldn't have said anything-"

I was interrupted by a hug and mumbled apologies and tears.

"I'm so sorry Percy."

    Next morning I'm rushing to get my shoes on and brushing my teeth as I accidentally forgot to check the time in my restless night.

  As soon as I was decent, I bolted out the door saying a quick love you and bye to my mom and sister. I see Jason and hop in.

"Hey good to have you back!" Jason said to be as I entered his vehicle.

"Good to be back." I held a slight smile on my face as we drive off to school. Jason chatted with me about how Kelly Morgan(one of the ...populars?) was found cheating on her boyfriend with Jeff Willis (new guy) and apparently that was the new buzz of the school.

   I'm relieved he didn't ask me about why I look like death, cause I really didn't feel like going through that again.

I walk to my locker after we stop at Jason's and I collect my things and I was off to my first class of the day.

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