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"Time to get up, Peaches!" I hear Riley sing.

Ah, the sound of her beautiful voice. The voice that gives me a reason to wake up in the morning. Except when I'm tired...

"Five more minutes, Riles," I respond.

"Maya, it's only the second week of school. You can't start skipping class now."

"Getting a good rest is a good reason," I say, sitting up and stretching.

"There is no reason to skip school unless you're sick."

I rub my eyes to see Riley wearing a scowl and crossing her arms. I smile and stick my tongue out at her. She smiles, laughs, and throws a bag at me.

"What's this?" I curiously ask.

"You're school outfit. Change and meet me downstairs!" She yells as she runs out of the room.

I laugh to myself, wondering how I met such a lively soul to make me smile as much as I do. I look at the clothes to find the ones that she previously bought me for my 17th birthday. I hop off her bed and change within the matter of seconds. I check my phone to see I got a text from Farkle.

Farkle: Don't forgot to go to school today (just like many, many times last year)

I smirk.

Maya: Hey, I have Riley. Of course I'm going

Farkle: Just checking :)

I run down the stairs to find Riley already finished her pancakes and mine. She guiltily looked at me with syrup all over her mouth which made me smile. Gosh, she's so adorable. I wish I could just stare at her forever.

I snap back to reality. "Uh, Riles, you might wanna clean that up."

"Clean what up?" She looked around the room, back at me, and giggled. I blush and look away. I can't bear to look her in the eyes and not want to be with her.

"Just take it. We're going to be late," I say as I hand her a napkin.

"Wow. Maya's worried about school. That's a first," I hear Topanga say behind me. "I'll see you for dinner, kiddo." She quickly plants a kiss on my forehead and pushes me and Riley out the door.


I plopped in my seat to see what Mr. Matthews has written on the board today. It says something I'd never expect him to brush over. Equality.

Maybe he's talking about racism or something else, or so I hope, I think to myself

After everyone finds their seats, he begins his lesson.

"Equality. What does it mean?"

Of course, Farkle's hand is the first and only to stick straight up in the air.


He rises from his chair and says, "Equality can mean many different things. But for today's class, I'm guessing we're talking about equality rights, more specifically on LGBTQ+ relationships, sir."

"Absolutely correct, go on."


"In this generation, many kids our age have boyfriend or girlfriends. But some guys might fall for guys and girls might fall for girls. It's not common, but definitely not uncommon either. Some kids aren't accepted by their friends and family but there are some people called allies who respect and accept people from the LGBTQ+ community."

I look around the class to find everyone staring at Farkle. He proudly smiles and sits back down. Zay whispers something in Farkle's ear that makes him smile, followed by a pat on the back.

"Excellent job, Farkle. Does anyone know why I chose Farkle to answer the question?"

"Cause he's one of those gay kids, right? I mean, everyone saw it coming," a kid in the back said. I felt the tension rise, and I knew where it was coming from. Lucas stood up from his desk and walked towards the boy. Zay, Smackle, Riley and I followed and restrained him.

"Lucas..." Riley said, looking up to him. He turned his head to her and she gave him a quick peck on the lips. I started to feel sick. I stumbled, but caught myself when Ranger Rick started to speak.

"Listen to me. Farkle is my best friend, OUR best friend. Now I advise you to apologize and never to open your mouth ever again."

Clearly intimidated, he got up and apologized.

"May I use the bathroom, Mr. Matthews?" he said.

"Go. But see me after class, Mark."

As the boy walked out of the classroom, the five of us sat back down. Farkle looked at us and smiled.

"I could always count on you guys, thank you." We all smiled back at him, except for me. I still felt really sick after seeing Riley and Lucas. "But... he's not wrong. I am gay, and I'm sorry for keeping it a secret."

The first thing we all did was look back at Smackle.

This must be why they broke up

"Yeah, Smackle knew only because I didn't feel right dating a girl, nothing against her though."

She smiled and tightly hugged him from behind. Everyone emitted small giggles while I grew a smile.

"Hey, that was a sign of friendship!" she yells.

Everyone begins small conversations, acting like they weren't in class. Mr. Matthews gets their attention and continues the lesson.

"Now I know there are other kids in this school other than Farkle that are attracted to the same, both, and other genders. It's become common in school, but like he said, it isn't widely accepted. For example..."

I couldn't focus on the lesson. Not today. I was scared for my life. I was stuck in a questioning stage for so long and, even though I'm still confused, the last thing I need is for people to figure it out, especially Riley.


I wanted to walk home. Not to Riley's, but to my own apartment and my own room. I've been holding back tears all day and I just wanted to let them out alone. But of course, she gets in the way.

"Hey, wait up," I hear behind me. I can recognize that voice miles away and just as I predicted, she knew something was up. "First of all, my apartment's that way," Riley says as she points to the opposite direction I'm walking, "and second of all, you never leave without me. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Riles. I'm fine. My mom just said she wants me home for dinner and-"

She cut me off and grabbed my chin, lightly pulling it closer to hers. "Don't lie to me, Peaches. Tell me what's wrong. Don't you trust me?"

I stood there, staring at her eyes. Her beautiful, brown eyes that told stories no words could ever tell. I was speechless. I didn't know what to do or say.

"Do you?" Her voice broke my train of thought.

I smile and grab her hand. "Of course, Riles. I could never not trust you. I love you so much, nothing could ever destroy that."

"I love you too, Peaches. Now tell me whatever's going on when you're ready. In the meantime, let's go to Topanga's. I'm going on a date with Lucas, but you can hang with Zay, Farkle, and Smackle. Let's go or I'll- I mean we'll be late!"

I smiled, but it wasn't real. The three words I love yet dread to hear come out of her mouth. I would kill to have her love me the same way I love her. But she doesn't love me like that. It's Lucas. It has always been Lucas. It will always be Lucas.


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