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"Mr. Jackson, I need to borrow Lucas, Farkle, and Zay for a while," I say as I rush into the art room.

"I'm sorry Maya, but you don't have permission to take kids from class," he says back to me. I look over at the three boys and see they realize what's going on.

"Riley..." I hear Lucas whisper.


I look at my phone to see Mr. Matthews texted me a text directed to Mr. Jackson.

"I give Mr. Friar, Mr. Babineaux, and Minkus permission to leave class for personal reasons," I read to him as I show him the message.

Mr. Jackson looked back to them and nodded his head, signaling to go. One by one, they ran out the room.

"Thank you, sir," Lucas said as he ran by the teacher.

"We'll come back tomorrow to get our homework," Zay said

I wait for Farkle to say something to Mr. Jackson, but he just walks by and grabs my hand. I ignore it and focus on Riley.

"What's going on, Maya?" Zay nervously asks as we head to Mr. Matthew's car.

"Something happened to Riley. I don't know the exact details, but it's bad. We have to go, now."

I find that Farkle still hasn't let go of my hand. I look up to him and see a tear resting on his eyelash. I pull him back when the rest of the guys walk out of the school.

"Farkle, what happened, why are you so upset?"

He took a deep breath and let the tears silently fall.

"I know you must be worried about Riley but-"

"It's not that," he interrupted.

"What? Then what is it?"

"Jackson was making rude comments on Riley's artwork."

I step back, looking at the art teacher in a whole different eye.

"He used her artwork as an example of 'someone who isn't trying'. He never said her name, but it was purple cats, everyone knew who it belonged to. I stood up for her and what I get for it is detention tomorrow."

"That little-"

"No, not now. You can deal with him later. We need to get to Riley, let's go," he said, restraining me.

"How could that guy say something about her? Her art is her personality, that's all he wants from us and he just insults her about it! I swear..."

Farkle doesn't say a word, just drags me outside. We meet up with everyone and rush to the hospital.

"Thank you for bringing us with you and Maya," Lucas says, "but what's going on?"

"Riley woke up, but something happened when she did. I still don't know what happened, that's why we need to get there as fast as possible."

"Would we even be allowed to see her when we get there?" Zay asks.

"I'm not sure, but we'll try to make it work," Mr. Matthews says, eyes focused on the road.

The rest of the car ride was silent. We all shared each other's feelings of scared, nervousness, and anxious. It felt like we were miles away until we pulled into the parking lot. I saw Topanga was outside on the phone. Once Mr. Matthews parked his car, I jumped out and gave her a tight hug.

"Maya, she needs you, right now!" she said to me as she hung up the call.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I was there when she woke up, but she didn't recognize me. She was asking where Makayla was. We had no idea who Makayla was, but we put the connection together that she was talking about you. She started hysterically crying and panicking so we need you there now!"

"There was no damage to her head, how are her memories all messed up?"

"They need to look at her head again, more in depth. We need to hurry, let's go!"

I ran ahead of everyone else and kept repeating the room number in my head.

Room 224, room 224, room 224...

It felt like the hallway was never ending. I kept running until I realized I passed the room.

"Maya! Down here!"

I turn back to see everyone waving to me. I slip, but quickly get up and scurry to them. I push the door open and rip the curtains aside to see Riley sitting up, eyes bloodshot and hair tangled.

"Riles..." I whisper as I walk closer to her.

She slowly turns her head so our eyes meet. I smile, but she doesn't. I take my hand and brush the hair off her face and I start to cry, seeing a deep scar that was held together by stitches. I step back, but keep my hand on the bed.

"Riles?" I say a bit louder.

She gives me a blank stare.

"No, no, I didn't lose you," I say with a fake chuckle. I hear a rustle and I turn around to see everyone behind me. Topanga walks closer and grabs my shoulder.

"I... I didn't lose you. I can't. Riley, I know you remember me, I know it..."

She doesn't say anything, she just looks around the room, just like how she did in the bay window. I close my eyes and feel the tears trickle down my cheeks. I open them to see her looking at me, not blankly, but with a smile.

"Hi, Peaches."


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