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The two of us walked into Topanga's, arms linked and giggling. Some people around us starred, but I didn't care. I was arm and arm with the girl of my dreams, having fun. Nobody could get in the way of this moment. Nothing could get in the way of this moment. That's what I thought until she let go and ran into Lucas' arms, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Well someone's happy," Huckleberry said, returning the kiss.

"When isn't she?" I interrupt in a negative tone. I can feel Riley's eyes on me, and I could tell she weren't pleased with my attitude.

I saw an open spot next to Farkle and went to go and sit down.

"Oh, uh, sorry Maya, but this spot's reserved."

"What? For who? I mean, Riley and Lucas are sitting together," I say in a snotty voice, "Smackle can't make it, so who could you be saving it-"

I was cut off by Zay, who took the spot. He wore a big smile and nudged Farkle that made him blush.

"No way," I whispered.

"Wh-what? No M-Maya N-n-no it's not th-that..." Farkle stutters.

Zay grabs the nervous boy's hand and smiles. "I mean, if we're together, might as well let the group know."

Lucas and Riley walk over to the couple and begin to congratulate them.

"Dude, why didn't you tell me? You know I would support any decision you make," Lucas tells Zay.

"Aw, Farkle! You two are just the cutest! Did you kiss yet?" Riley asks Farkle.

As the four of them talk, I quietly hum to myself in the bay window. I'm happy for them, but I can't think of talking about a gay couple when all I want is to be in one. I hate seeing Riley jump into Lucas' arms every day and giving him quick kisses when all I want is to be the one on the other end. I know I would be a much better partner than him.


I just know I would be the better partner for her... I know it.


"I know it..." I accidentally thought out loud.

"What are you talking about?" Riley's voice caught my attention. "Are you okay? You weren't answering the first two times I called you."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, my thoughts have been scattered recently."

I look back out the window to see people holding hands and walking by. I start to feel this jealousy boiling up inside me. But Riley doesn't say a word and pushed me over to lie next to me, head on my shoulder. I instantly felt better and didn't want either of us to move. I wish I could've froze time. She lifted her head and looked at me. I turned my head and our eyes met. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to be with her. But she took my hand and held it close to my face.

"Ring power."

I smile. "Ring power."



She looks back at me, broadening her smile.


I pause to catch my breath, resisting the urge to link lips with her.



"So girls," Topanga says as we walk through the door, "how was school?"

"Same old, same old," I respond, flopping onto the couch. "Nothing's ever exciting in that building."

Topanga lets out a small chuckle and looks at us. "I'm surprised to hear that from you, Ms. 'we're going to be late,'" she mocks.

"Hey you take that back!" I yell, pointing at her. She smiles and turns back to the chopping board.

"Homework time!" Riley says, slapping a book in front of me.

"Riles, that isn't until later. Or never," I whisper the last part.

"Peaches, I don't wanna stay up all night trying to force you to do your homework again. I always fall asleep in Spanish the next day!"

I giggle and start to tickle her. She hates when she's tickled because she completely loses control over her body. She rolls and squeals and is just adorable all over. She starts to fight back and tickles me and I fall to the ground with her on top of me. We stop and pause, feeling the awkwardness rise. I look to find Topanga wandered off and wasn't in the kitchen. Riley slowly got up, bringing me up with her.

"I would win a tickle fight, just saying," I say in attempt to break the silence.

"You probably would," she responds with a chuckle.

I look into her eyes to see my reflection bouncing off her pupils. I've had so many opportunities to tell her the truth or to make a move to have her understand the feelings I have. But I take too long, and he comes into the picture.


"Hey! It's Lucas, Farkle, and Zay."

Riley shook her hands back and forth, catching her breath, and ran to the intercom.

"Uh, yeah guys, come on in."

Farkle and Zay walked in holding hands with Lucas following them. Riley looked at the two and then to Lucas, grabbing his hand that made them both smile. She caught my upset face and was about to say something but Topanga walked in at the same time.

"Riley, are you throwing a party or something?" she asked her daughter.

"Surprise visit, Mrs. Matthews. Hope we didn't intrude on anything," Zay responded.

"What's with the fancy talk, Z?" Lucas asked.

"I told you you're rubbing off on me!" Zay said to Farkle.

"Not at all, boys," Topanga answered, "but since you're all here, join us for dinner. Riley, since we're having company, go grab some spare chairs from the room down the hall."

"Can I take someone with me?"

"Sure, just grab three of the fold out ones."

I turned to her, thinking she was going to take me, only to find her face to face with Lucas, all smiley and giggly. I turned away in fear of snapping on her. I couldn't take it. Lucas, Lucas, Lucas. Lucas this, Lucas that. It's never ending and I couldn't take it.

"I actually have to go, thank you for having me," I say as I turn to the door. I'm halfway down the hallway when I hear a voice behind me.


It's Farkle.

"I don't want to hear it."

"I know."

I stop in my tracks and turn around to face him.

"I've always known."


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