Chapter 8--- Tears

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Third Person's P.O.V

Carly hesitated to ask the same question her mouth was eager to ask for about a good two months now. She inhaled sharp air and look at Blyx in the eyes. Her eyes that looked so weak. Dead, even.

"Why did you come back, Blyx?"

Blyx didn't answer her and looked away. What Carly didn't know was that Blyx was holding in her tears that were always threatening to fall for the past two months. Well, almost two months. Carly took this as an insult as Blyx ignored her.

"You were dead! You were fucking dead!" Carly's tears run down.

She was crying because she felt relief when Blyx died but eventually came back only to give her misery and pain. A pain in the heart which she can not describe. But still, it was pain and Blyx was giving it to her again. Like she used to.

Blyx finally turned her head to Carly. Carly gasped at what she saw.

"I came back for two reasons Carly."

Blyx let some tears amok. Carly was sure as hell that this is her first time seeing the Great Almightly Blyx Stephens cry. Add the fact that Blyx cried in front of her and to top it all up, Blyx smiled a sad and weak smile. The sight made Carly weak on her knees and instantly regretted on asking the question.

"As soon as you accept those two things, I'll be gone."

Of course there was a time limit but Blyx couldn't care less. It was just freaking three days. Three days left of pain and agony. Both of their tears seemed never ending.

"I hope you accept my apology Carly. Me apologizing to you is one of the two reasons why I came back."

Carly didn't want to listen. She examined Blyx's eyes and saw sincerity. Carly examined Blyx's smile and saw pain and agony. Carly examined Blyx's body and saw that she's weak and is having a hard time. She was really pale and is thin. She didn't have much muscles.

"T-the other one?"

Carly knew she'll regret it when she hears it. But, she decided to give it a try. She hated seeing Blyx suffer even if Blyx was the cause of her misery and pain. Carly felt pain poking her heart, it was a painful poke like it was made of thorns.

"The other one is to let you know just how much I longed for you. How much I love you, and still loving you. I want you to know that I did all of those things because I love you. I couldn't stand it when you're with other people. I got jealous and got angry. I'm really sorry. I really am. I came back to spend some time with you, remembering it like a precious treasure. I wanted your mother to heal because I know when the time comes, you and I will both go our separate ways and I want you to still have your mother. I don't want you to lose two people at once. I even took away your father's life. I just wish you knew the reason but I can't bring myself to tell you. I'm always so weak when it comes to you. You don't have to love me back, you just have to know that I really do love you."

Blyx gulped down some imaginary saliva and look at Carly in the eyes. She kept on thinking how beautiful her eyes are. Carly on the other hand, was already breaking. She didn't want to accept those of what she said because she knew that Blyx will go away. She didn't know Blyx's side and assumed things that were not right.

"If you accept those, I'll go away and never bother you."

No, don't smile Blyx. Don't smile. It hurts me. Carly kept thinking that but her prayers were not answered. She just saw Blyx smile one last time and saw how Blyx's tears always stream down, not stopping. Carly didn't even realize that she was crying herself.

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