God is bigger still.

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Whatever it is that you are up against, be it a wave of people, an earthquake of pain and sorrow, a hurricane of hatred and rejection, or a wall of failure and trouble-- do not give up!

Wear your armour of faith and attack your enemy face to face. Do not fret. Do not let your heart be subdued by worries. Do not doubt that you will not be victorious. For fighting alongside you is your Father, your awesome God. He will never let you down. He will never let you fall. He will never let you be defeated.

Tell that wave of people trying to drown you that your God is bigger than they. Tell that earthquake of pain and sorrow that your God is a wonderful healer, that there is no wound or bruise that He cannot heal. Tell that hurricane of hatred and rejection that the love of your Saviour is far stronger and nothing will ever take His love away from you; nothing could ever separate you from His heart. Tell that wall of failure and trouble that your Master, the Lord Almighty, is ever powerful and He will make that wall crumble before your feet. For your Father loves you more than you could ever imagine and He chose you to be victorious.

If you feel like giving up, that you can't do it anymore, surrender everything to the Lord-- even your pains, your failures, your imperfections, your weaknesses, and your tears. For it is only He who could heal your wounds and soothe your pains.

He is the only one who could turn your failures into a strategic card of wisdom and strength. His love for you makes you perfect in his eyes. Your weaknesses, he will turn into swords and arrows so that you can defeat your fears. And your tears, he will kiss away and turn them into crystals of happiness.

If you feel like giving up, remember that fighting alongside you is the Lord, your God, and He will never let you give up. When you are down on your knees, He will pull you up. When you think you are too weak to fight for you already gave your all, He will be your strength.

If you feel like drowning, suffocated by people's expectations and the pressure keeps on pulling you deeper, do not be dismayed. For God didn't choose you just so you could be buried in misery. He will pull you onto the surface and breathe Spirit into your flesh.

He will fight for you! And if it would make you feel better, He will send His army of angels to be your battalion.

Put your trust in the Lord... simply because you love Him with all your heart. He will be your victory. He will be your strength.

"When you go out to battle against your enemies, and you see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the Lord, your God is with you."

Deuteronomy 20: 1

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