The Book of Life

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Does anyone of you here believe in God?

Well, I hope you do since this book's gonna be rooted from God and His words.

If you don't, as long as there's something within you that tells you to keep on reading. Love, keep on reading. But please at least respect the people in here, or at least tolerate.

I think I need to write this first before writing the next parts.

Anyway, I'm not here to defend the existence of God... Na-- Instead, I'll try to speak the truth... I think that's fair enough. He's more into revelations than reasons, anyway.

The truth I am talking about is the Bible. I know, I know, you might be shaking your head right now or rolling your eyes...

You might be telling me, "That's just a myth from people who created the ideology of God, of Christ!" "Why would I believe it when it just came from people?" "The stories there defy all the laws of science! Are you a kid?" "The parts are even contradicting!"

So, the Bible is an anthology of testimonies from people who were blessed enough to encounter God directly. And whether you believe it or not, these miracles still happen these days-- though not to the extent of walking on the water like Jesus did. Some parts are direct words from God and just written down by those people.

It's like hearing different people saying the same story. Like different witnesses claiming the same fact. Different correct equations pointing at the same answer.

You might tell me, it's written by people and it might be exaggerated. Well, aren't all books written by people? All those textbooks you're studying at school, all those mathematical and scientific formulas, all those laws and postulates-- they are all made by people... and you believed it. So, if you'll say the same logic, then you would probably end up asking why you're still going to school wasting money and energy.

So I don't really think that it's a strong argument to not believe the Bible when you believe in other books. Because when you analyze the reason, it would be basically saying that nothing is really true and everything is just made up by people; hence, everything is meaningless. And if everything is meaningless, then, I don't really know why we are still here.

You might tell me that the Bible is so demanding, it's telling you not to do this and do that. Well, honey, the Bible is a book of Truth, of Life. And if there are no rules... then, I know you get the picture. You can also say that you don't need the Bible, or God, to tell you that murder is bad, or lying is a sin, and other things...

On the second thought, where did those ideas of wrong and right came from? Human norms? Norms are learned. Human nature? Well, isn't the nature of mankind, sin? You see, everything is nothing without standardization. You wouldn't know that a sin is a sin unless something or someone inculcated in your humanity that a sin is a sin.

The Book of Life is the source that was faded by time, but the rules remained. It's like a book that people read a long time ago that they've forgotten the title but the story remained, being passed from one generation to another. People knew what sin is but they've forgotten where they got the wisdom.

Further, please stop making science a contradictory of faith-- yes, I did not use the term religion because this isn't about religion. This is about faith. Faith is a relationship with God. Faith unites people. Religion divides.

Stories in the Bible are too fictional? Your mind is just too bounded by the limitations of what already discovered. If Newton didn't believe that there's some force from the universe pushing the apple down, do you think gravity would be discovered? Besides, the Bible is the Book authored by God Himself through the pens of people. Why would you expect something so ordinary?

Anyway, science is a discovery of the world. It's like a live treasure hunt that God made so His beloved us could have fun! So, why would you use that against Him?

You might claim that the Bible is contradictory to itself... Where? What part? Perhaps it was your interpretation that's contradictory?

Bottom line is, most-- if not all, chapters would be based on the Bible, though I might not be directly quoting from it.

PS. I'm not angry. I promise. *chuckles*

"You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free."

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