Chapter Twenty-Star Lace's P.O.V / Lollipop Chainsaw

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Star Lace’s P.O.V

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!” I screamed as I leapt out from behind a dumpster and shot three Draculoids. I had been hiding in an alleyway, waiting for some unsuspecting (and particularly unlucky) Dracs to walk by. These three dropped to the ground without a sound. I unwrapped a bubblegum flavored lollipop and stuck it in my mouth. Time to get out into the streets for some real action.

I somersaulted out of the alley and started shooting at Dracs while on one knee. One fell only a few feet from me. I snatched up his ray gun and looked up. Fun Ghoul stood several yards away, in a tight spot with several Dracs.

Ghoul! Catch!” I screamed, throwing the spare gun to him. He caught it with one hand, and used both of his guns to shoot the advancing Draculoids.

“Thanks!” he yelled with a grin, tossing the gun back to me. I caught it out of the air and started picking off more Draculoids.

Spitting out the now candy-less lollipop stick, I darted into an interesting looking building. It was white, just like all the others, but it had the words “DraculoidSustenanceCenter” written on it. I had no idea what that meant, but I didn’t care.

I shouldered the door open and shot down the first few Dracs attempting to guard the building. Curious, I ran down the hallway. There was a single large door at the end of the hall. I turned the handle and it opened easily.

It was though I had walked into a miniature Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. A couple of popcorn makers stood in the middle of the large, round room, bottles of melted butter and caramel resting on their sides. Multiple candy dispensers lined the room. There were huge tubes of Kit-Kats, Snickers, Reese’s, Sour Patch Kids, Jelly Belly’s, and much more, including lollipops. These tubes reached from the high ceiling down to about waist height.

There were tubes of Dum Dums and Tootsie Pops. I bounced over to the Dum Dum dispenser and pushed a big red button by it. About five of the lollipops flew out and landed in my hand.

With a crazy grin, I pulled a large plastic bag from a dispenser and started to fill it up. I took as much candy as it could hold—at least five pieces of each kind—and sampled the candy myself.

I popped about three Dum Dums into my mouth and felt a surge of energy jolt through me. The sugar rush was starting. And when I get a sugar rush…well…you’d better watch out.

Almost dragging the huge bag of candy behind me, I skipped for the exit, giggling like a little girl. Then I kicked the door open and gently placed my bag of treasure behind a garbage can, where I hoped it wouldn’t be disturbed. I plucked a fourth Dum Dum from the bag and bit off the candy.

Shit was about to go down.

“HI-YAH, MAMA DUCKY!” I shrieked as I roundhouse-kicked a passing Drac in the stomach. He collapsed, and I quickly shot him through the head. With another girly chuckle, I blew the smoke off my green and white laser gun.

For about another hour I pulled random karate moves on the Draculoids and then shooting them. I was having the biggest sugar rush I’d ever had in my life. The combined forces of the sugar I had consumed and the adrenaline pumping through my body made me an unstoppable fighting force. I was like a ninja. The kind of ninja that can’t be killed. A zombie ninja! Except, you know, without all of the gross gore and everything…


“Owie, that hurt!” I cried as I fell face first onto the ground. I rolled over and looked up at Noise Flag standing over me.

“What the heck did you do that for?” I whined.

“Sorry! I was aiming for a Drac. This place is pretty crowded,” Noise said, leaning down and helping me up. I noticed something long and thin in her left hand.

“What’s that?” I asked, pointing at it. She grinned and flicked a switch on it. It lit up a bright blue and I jumped back.

“Cattle prod,” she said smugly, “Have you found anything interesting?”

“I found a whole building filled with candy!” I chirped, “And I gathered a whole bag and hid it behind a trash can. When all of this is over, I’m going back for it, and it better be there.”

Noise put a hand over her face.

“So, the rest of us are fighting for our lives out here, and you are raidingBatteryCity’s candy supply?” she muttered from underneath her hand.

“Uh-huh!” I said happily, “And it gives me a huge sugar rush! I must have killed, like, twenty Dracs by now!”

“Well, you go have fun with that,” Noise smiled, “I’m going to go electrocute the shit out of people.”

And with that, she turned and ran back into the crowd.

Singing and giggling to myself, I continued on my way, skipping happily. Suddenly, I bumped into someone and nearly knocked them over.

“Fuck you!” Fun Ghoul cried.

“Fudge YOUUUUUU!” I screamed in his face. He took a step back.

“Sorry, Lace, I didn’t know it was you,” he said sheepishly. I smiled, giggled, and bounced on the balls of my feet.

“Did you eat something funny?” Ghoul asked, wrinkling his nose in a comical way.

“Only three Baby Ruths, five Three Musketeers, two Reese’s peanut butter cups, and about five Dum Dums!” I sang.

“So, you’re like, drunk on candy?” Ghoul asked. I nodded.

“A sugar high, basically!” I laughed.

“…You’re so weird,” Ghoul said in exasperation.

“I know! I love it!” I squealed.

What he did next I was completely unprepared for. He leaned in, gently pecked me on my lips, and then jumped back as though he expected me to hit him.

“I’llseeyoulaterStarLace!” he said in a rush and dashed off.

For about another minute I stood there in a confused daze.

What. The. Fudgenuggets.

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