that wife life

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To: Lexi Kaufman
Subject: Job at Mizanin

Good morning miss Kaufman,

I am here to inform your that you have been employed as a fashion journalist at Mizanin. The CEO has asked you to begin work next Monday starting at 8:30am. Could you please ask for me at the front reception as I will show you to your department and the working environment. Mr Mizanin has also asked you to dress appropriately for the Occassion to working at the office.

Welcome to Mizanin,
Kind regards
Naomi Fatu
[Secretary of The CEO]


I read this email again, for the 5th time. I stare at my reflection on the wall of the elevator, is my outfit appropriate? I wore all black, I had a leather jacket on, black top and black striped dress pants. I would say that it was my most formal, I didn't have a skin tight or little black dress either, I'm short anyways.

The elevator door opens to the 18th floor as I step out of the box entering the Mizanin floor.
Again it was all quiet and formal, I walked up to the same receptionist again as she looks up at me with a smile.

"How may I help you?" She kindly asks.

"I want to see miss Naomi Fatu?" I answer but in a unsure tone. But the receptionist got me and she dialed a button on the telephone on her desk, then brining the phone up to her. "I have someone here to see you miss Fatu" she says through the phone, after a couple of seconds she ends it. "Miss Fatu will be with you very soon."

I thank her and walk over to the same couch and took a seat. I can't believe I actually got the job! It's not the job I wanted but I fulfilled my dream of finally working for Mizanin. I'm so happy. I took a deep breathe in and exhaled trying to remind myself that this is not a dream, it's real life. I'm living the dream..

"Miss Kaufman?" I hear a woman's voice call to me, my head instantly shot up at the sight of Naomi.

"Hello miss?.." I forgot her last name crap.

"Fatu, but just call me Naomi" she smiled and guides me through the glass door passing the marketing department.

"Welcome again, miss Kaufman" she looked back at me.

"Please just Lexi is totally fine" I tell her, miss is too formal.

"Okay, well Lexi, welcome" she lets out a laugh, "so your department is actually up two floors,
Down here the department is mainly for marketing and Mr Mizanin's office." She explains, we walk up to an elevator around the corner as she presses the up arrow.

"I will introduce you to the manager of the journalist department and what you'll start off on today." The elevator door opens as we walk in, she presses the 20th floor number as the door closes.

"How long have you been working for Mizanin?" I ask to start a conversation with her and have no silence.

"It's my second year, I used to attend high school with Maryse so she put a word in for me."

"So you guys are very close I assume?"

"No" she shakes her head, "we were friends but more like boss and employee relationship now, I'm not on her level and I'm sure she wants to be friends with someone who is rich and wealthier looking." She laughs.

"Oh." I was a bit shocked at her honestly, jeez good Atleast shes not like those girls who wine up to the boss or be full of themselves.

The door opens to the 20th floor as Naomi steps out with me following her heel's footsteps, damn she was so damn hot. I'm not les, just legit she's hella gorgeous.

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