unprofessional and unprofessional

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"Thank you so much" I close the door as the postman at the door turns to leave.
I held the envelopes in my hand after it was delivered to me and Leah's apartment, I walk towards the kitchen table as I place the pile on the counter.

I hear a loud scrunch as I just turn around to grab my phone off from charging, I turn around to see my other roommate, Leah go through the mail. "Oo lets see what's up?" She scans through the pile quickly as I watched her, placing down all the advertisements.

"Oh we gotta pay for that" she puts down a letter in a separate pile from the rests that read; rent.

"So who's going to take a walk down town?" I ask picking up the letter and opening it slowly.

"Mm, it was my turn last time, besides you work near the bank, yours." She smiles as she throws more letter onto the junk pile as it piled up.

"We need to start thinking about saving Leah, we can't afford it in the future." I sigh as I showed her the price of the rent bill that was due next week.

"I know," she also sighs, "you know we're both working super hard. I've got my job and you got yours, we will get through this, besides you're now working at Mizanin."

"Yeah but it's not that much ." I state.

"Please, Lexi. Does Mizanin?! One of the countries top fashion company's ring a bell?" She waves the last couple of letters in hand at me.

"I guess."

"OOO what is this?! " she holds the last letter in her hand and actually waves it in my face, literally.

"What is it?" I curiously ask, all I could see before she also blinded me with it was my full name on it and our apartment address.

Leah runs away from me so I could grab a hold of it, I had to chase her as she runs towards the couch and she stands up on it,
She holds it high up, so it was a disadvantage to my Height. She laughs and opens the letter and chucking me the envelope and reads it, "dear Miss Kaufman..ooo so formal?"

I roll my eyes at her as I fold my arms and stare up at her taller figure, still standing on the couch.

"Your First project assignment that you have been asked to do has been successfully submitted to the head of the board, unfortunately it was not qualified enough to be chosen but it was very well done, that is why you will be promoted as a head journalist in our department. Have a good day, head of department, Dean Ambrose." She smirked.

I sat down on the couch, well plopped, "it didn't go through.." I fold my arms in disappointment. Leah then sat down next to me and gave me a hug, "it's just the beginning Lexi, there will be another chance."

"I thought it was perfect." I hugged her back as she let go afterward.

"Nothing is perfect sweetie.", I nod at her comment, "but anyways, who did you even chose for this assignment?" She asks.

"Myself." I sigh.

She sat up in shock, "what kind of head of board are these hoes? How could you write something about yourself so beautiful that they said no?" She slightly raged.

"Horrible I know, Leah."

"You know? Why don't you just tell them who you are? We are even able to make more money?" She had a point, If I just simply prove and tell them I'm Alexa bliss, me and Leah can easily continue to live together and not be in any troubles.

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