blah blah blah

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The weekend has past and I've been trying to avoid the beginning of this week for as long as I could.

Monday, another week of work.

I stare up at the tall Mizanin building as I shut the taxi door. I hear the vehicle drive away as its sound fades into the traffic.

I take a deep breath and relax. I walk into the building, finding my way up to the elevators.

I check the time on my watch that read; 7:56am. Mr Mizanin told me to come to his at 8am for some damn reason. I'm still annoyed at him yes, but I've been thinking about what he said.

He's right, I got the job, I got the article, I got the promotion. Everything that no one had accomplished in a 2 week period since starting at Mizanin. And he's right again, I'm advantaging off of someone who's famous. Aka my roommate, Leah.

He's right, he speaks the truth. No wonder why he's a successful businessman, with a smart mouth.

I walk into the second elevator of the 6 like I always do. This time I press the button with "18" on it. Once the door closes, I stare at the "20" button blankly. Goodbye.

The doors suddenly sings open. My face looked up to what's Infront of me as I walk out. The reception sits in the left hand corner and the lady that works behind the counter is still there.

I walk past them, feeling extra extra small. Underclass with very little confidence. I make my way past the marketing department towards the boss's office.

After a short walk, I see Naomi's desk. "Hey Naomi" I waved to her as she looks up.

"Oh hey girl!" She stands up from her seat to come and hug me. "Feels like forever since I've seen you."

"Which was literally last week," I laugh, she joins me.

"Awe yeah, and congrats on your article," she guides me towards the double doors.

"Thankyou. I'm very honoured. I still can't believe it."

"Well now you can believe that. And, good luck," she gave me a look.

I raise an eyebrow at her for a second and then she opens the double doors. My confusion fades and I finally got it. Dickhead.

My eyes wonders inside the office for a brief second, I then put on a fake smile and walk in. I can hear Naomi giggling quietly at me as she shuts the doors.

As soon as they close, my hands instantly grip together as I slowly walk up to the desk. Mr Mizanin is sitting behind his desk, reading and signing some document.

He still hasn't realised my existence. I bite my bottom lip from the nervousness and the cold silence in the room. The only noise that is filling the room is the pen against the paper.

"Um? Sir" I knock gently a couple of times on his desk.

He suddenly stops writing and annoyingly raises his head slowly. His eyes meets mine, a sneer plasters his face and he dramatically drops the pen.

"Yes?" He puts his hands together and leans his forearms on the desk.

"You wanted to see me?" I quietly say.

He lets out a sigh, "Yes, I know" he leans back on his chair, "but can you not see that I'm busy?!"

"Yes" I secretly grip on the material of my shirt, trying to not get annoyed at him. Even more.

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