~Chapter 4~

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Mathias's POV
Ah lunch time, fantastic! I'm ravenous!And it is another opportunity to see my darling again!
Us boys enter the dining room, only to see the girls there, eagerly waiting for our arrival!

Harriet's POV
There he is! This is the last chance I will get to see him before tonight!
The boys sit down, all looking at me at me and Mathias, clearly everyone knows what will happen tonight.
The pain goes away, BLISS! I can finally enjoy time without this horrible pain inside me. I take a bite out of my sandwich and swallow it.
Immediately the pain bounces back, but 10x worse.
I can't hide it any longer, it feels like I've been stabbed!
I look at Mathias who looks alarmed as my eyes fill with tears.
BOOM! Another wave of pain crashes into my stomach!
I let out the most blood curdling scream, and instinctively try to curl up my body into a ball. However that leads me to falling off my bench. I try to grab onto Hetty but instead I grasp the tablecloth, which brings all the plates, food cutlery down on me.
I hit the floor with a bang!
I am sprawled across the floor in agony, screaming! Am I dying?
Panic rises among the foundling children. In an instant, Mathias is by my side, stroking my hair and whispering that it's going to be alright, I can hear the sheer terror in his voice.
I look up at him through my teary eyes, clutching my stomach, and that's when everything goes black.

Mathias' POV
I sit across from Harriet, who is beaming at me.
We get our food, and start eating.
Suddenly Harriet looks at me, her eyes
filled with fear and pain. She screams so loudly and so filled with agony that she falls back and brings the contents of the table with her.
I run as fast as I can to her side and try to comfort her. She is still screaming and a crowd is forming around her. She looks into my eyes, and goes unconscious.
Hetty kneels by her side looking afraid and guilty.
"She was complaining about a pain this morning, I thought she had indigestion! Harriet if you can hear me, you're going to be okay I promise!"
Nurse Winterson and Matron push through the crowd and see Harriet.
Matron yells
"Nurse! Call for an ambulance immediately!"
She orders everyone out, me and Hetty resist as much as possible!
Mr Cranbourne drags me off and Matron drags Hetty away.
I try to protest and say that she needs me. It tore me apart, to see her lying on the ground, with smashed plates around her still clutching her stomach. I knew we couldn't run away. Not tonight.

20 minutes later

All the boys were ordered to stay in their dorm, which is where I am.
I am stuck to the window looking down to the courtyard, when I see the ambulance pull in.
3 men in white rush out the van and come running up to the door. Nurse Winterson is waiting for them. I run to the door of the dorm and open it.
I have just enough time to see all of them rushing to the dining room before Mr Cranbourne rips me away.
I run to the window and wait.
It's only a minute or so when I see one of the men run out to open the back of the ambulance. Soon after the other two men appear with a stretcher carrying Harriet. She looks so pale, and still unconscious.
The ambulance speeds off to the hospital.
And that's the last I see of Harriet

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