~Chapter 6~

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Mathias' POV
I made up my mind. I'm going to see Harriet.
I tell the boys and they agree to help me. My plan is that when a delivery man arrives, I will sneak onto his carriage, wait for him to get out the foundling hospital grounds, then jump off and go to the hospital.
The other boys will keep watch in different parts of the building to make sure no one else is coming, I do NOT want to run into Matron!
When it's lunchtime, I sneak off to the yard to see if there is a delivery, and sure enough, there is! Just my luck!
I jump into the back of it, only to find it was a delivery of MANURE!
I just have to bear it for 10 minutes or so.
Soon the delivery boy comes back and we start driving off.
As soon as we reach the gates I jump out, glad to be rid of the poo.
I stroll along the streets if London, and I came across a nice looking lady.
"Excuse me Madam, but which way is it to the hospital?"
"Oh just over there, you almost made it young man!"
I walk quite quickly in the direction she pointed and I came across the hospital! Finally!
I go inside, I see people with all sorts of injuries, I ask a nurse where Harriet is and she looks delighted as she shows me.
"I'm Nurse Myra, and you must be Mathias"
How did she know my name? Before I could ask her, I see my love, my darling Harriet.
I run up to her and we embrace in a tight, warm hug. I look into her eyes, and before I could control my actions, I kissed her.

Harriet's POV
He kissed me. He actually kissed me! It felt so natural, warm, nice, how it was meant to be.
"I love you so much Mathias Grigg"
"I love you too, I thought I would never see you again!"
"How on Earth did you get here?"
"I sneaked onto a carriage and walked the rest of the way"
Nurse Myra is standing by us both and I realise she just saw everything. She is smiling though, which makes me feel relaxed.
"You two remind me of when I was younger and in love. Those were the days."
She went after her little speech.
"Harriet, what happened to you? Are you going to be okay? What was the operation like?"
"Everything was so excruciating Mathias, I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy! But I'm getting better now. Honestly I don't know why they don't just send me back to all of you, I would be better off there. How are you going to get back?"
"Ah. I haven't actually thought this through, I just had to see you!"
"I know how you can get back"
"You won't. We can run away from this hospital together! It would be much easier to run away from here than the foundling hospital! We can just walk out the door! Unless...you don't want to run away anymore..."
"Of course I still want to run away! But are you sure? Don't you need time to rest?"
"I've had time to rest! Two whole days! I need to get out of here"
"Then we'll do it now. Right now"
I put on another hospital gown to keep me warm, and we went. We went down the corridor, through the doors, to freedom.
Freedom at last.

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