The Dance

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  I had to woke up early today. You wanna know why? SCHOOL! Ugh. Can't I have more sleep and more holidays?!  I don't have a choice but to still go to school.

  I decided to wear a long sleeved orange, black and white patterned shirt, a pair of black shorts short and a pair of orange flats. I put some makeup on and some lip gloss. I let my wavy brown hair landed on my back. I packed my Dance outfit and off I go to school.

* * *

  Classes had already finished and its lunchtime. Classes ran faster than usual. Maybe its because I'm excited for dance class?  As usual  me and Allie went to the cafeteria together and of course we sat on our usual table. Josh and Brad was chatting about sports while Allie and Nichole are gossiping. Its just me and Dyl now.

  We are so quiet. I missed him. I miss the old us. I really do. This feeling inside me that I can't describe with words. What is it?  I need answers! Then somebody snapped me out of my thoughts. It was Allie. I shook my heads and cleared the thoughts. "Hey girl, you're daydreaming again?" Nichole asked. Wait, AGAIN? What does she mean? I just smiled at her.


  Lunch was over. It was Dance Class! YES! I can release my stress with Dancing!  So as I was walking to Dance class, You know what I saw? Dylan kissing with a slut!  Wait, what? Why should I care? Am I jealous?! No no no no no no... This can't be right! Can it?! Am I actually falling for my own Best Friend?!

  I just ignored them plus the thoughts and continued walking to class. Well I'm early, so I decided to get changed. I went to the changing room and changed my clothes. When I came out there was no sigh of teacher, there are only a few student.

  I started my dance alone at the corner. I was GOOD if I can say so my self. I chucked by my own thoughts. I stopped my dancing when I felt a pair of hands held my waist. I knew it was Dylan, but I was... WRONG.

   I turned around and saw SKYLER?! "What are u doing here?" I asked shocked.

  "Well I'm like everybody else here. I'm a student in Riverdale High from now on" He said calmly and smirked while leaning closer to me. Did I heard wrong?! He's a student FROM NOW ON?! The word keep repeating in my head. I'm trapped. Why is he leaning closer?!

  "OK class, Gather up!" The teacher shouted while clapping her hands to get our attentions. Good timing!

    I pushed Skyler away and walked to the teacher. "So today, U guys are going to dance in pairs" The teacher instructed. She stated the names and pairs.

  I was paired with...


  Hey! I'm sorry for the late update! I really am. hope u liked this chapter. Its another cliffhanger... thanks for the read and votes!! see ya! Bye!!




Lots of love


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