The Raid

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*Ajar's P.O.V*

"So Gary, How'd it work out with Pietra?" I asked him,

"Oh ummm, I didn't really work we kinda just broke off, you know" He replied 

"Well you'll find someone at some point I suppose.." I said trailing off

We continued to rest on the side of the lake before we heard something nobody wanted to hear.


The sound coming from above us. We both looked at each other before racing up towards a tree. We waited there silently hoping for the best.

"Seriously? The second time this month?" Gary said annoyed by the current situation.

"I feel ya, This is really getting bad." Just as I said that two dusties raced past us. I had realised that both of the were the same species as I was. I quickly slid down the tree and raced towards them. Gary made a face of disbelief before rolling his eyes and joining me. 

"Hey! Stop!" I shouted at them trying to get their attention.

"Ajar! I hope you have a plan!" I heard Gary shouting from behind me.

The two serpents stopped and looked at Gary and I before dropping all their loot and making way for the exit. We started to give chase again dodging and weaving through trees. 

"Gary! Let's get them!" 

We started to chase them again but before I could reach one of them they had managed to escape the oasis and start to head towards the desert. We came to a stop and watched them escape. Gary was breathing heavily before he fell to the ground gasping for air. About a dozen more dusties slithered quickly out of the oasis also heading towards the desert. 

"Remind to never follow you again" Gary said panting heavily. I rolled my eyes and helped him up.

"You know Gary, I feel like we should do something about this." I said looking off towards the desert.

"Oh no no, Ajar don't even think about going out there again, We almost died out there remember!?" He protested towards me. 

"But we didn't die did we?" I answered back.

"Well you do have a point there" He replied

"What do you think Gary? I feel another adventure coming on"

"Of course you do" He said putting the end of his tail against his head. He turned around and started slithering back into the oasis. I followed his path wondering. This could be the time for me to figure out what I have been missing. 

*Time skip*

"Eva I really think we should do this, these raids aren't going to stop anytime soon" I said looking towards my lover with pleading eyes.

"I know Ajar I want to but how are we gonna do anything?" She replied worried,

"I know we can find a way together. You, me, Gary, Pitt and Emily" I looked towards her.

"Alright so whats your plan? We sneak out?" She asked me playfully

"Thats exactly what I had in mind, I'll get Pitt and Emily and you get Gary" 


That was that out next adventure had finally begun. We were going to stop the raiders from looting our oasis. We just had to get everyone ready. I feel like I need this to happen.

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