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*Ajar's P.O.V*

The night was dark and silent. I stood near the exit of the oasis with my friends. Eva, Gary, Pitt and Emily. I had noticed that one of the border guards was fast asleep on top of a tree. I nodded to my friends before slithering into the night. My friends close behind me sneaking away from the oasis into dustie territory. The last time a ventured into the dessert I almost died, but it was for a good cause. 

"Alright, We're gonna head north, the direction where the raiders escaped" I whispered looking back towards my group.

"I guess that's the plan" I heard Gary mumble behind. I let out a soft chuckle. He never changed. As we continued to slither into more open desert already passing all things that were green. Now everything was a boring yellow colour. The continuous stretch of sand lingered into the distance. I stopped and turned around, having a last glance at the oasis. The lush trees now so small from the distance I could barely make them out. I let out a sigh before turning back towards the barren wasteland and continuing our path.

"Hey A-Ajar, are you sure they headed north all the way?" I heard Pitt exclaim from behind me.

"I still can't believe you convinced me into this" He said again. 

"You signed up for it, now you're in it Pitt" I replied.

He gave a me a grunt before following the rest of us. The oasis became smaller and smaller until it disappeared into the distance now all I could see was the desert. We continued on in silence.

"Ajar are you sure about this?" I heard Eva asking me from behind.

"I'm positive, if we don't do this who else is going to stop the raids?" I said back.

"Well you do have a point I suppose, just know that I'm with you all the way" I looked back towards her smiling at her support.

"Thanks Eva" I replied. 


The sun had started to rise, making everything start to burn to the touch. It wasn't too hot as it was still early morning. However I wanted to make sure that we had someone to shelter in order to avoid the scorch of the sun. I continued to slither on looking for a place to stay, until I spotted a relatively sized cave. 

"Hey guys! Look a cave, we can stay there until the moon rises again!" I beckoned my friends to follow.

"Thank Gooodd! Finally, I was starting to worry that we would have to relive that nightmare" Gary piped up from behind. 

"Thanks for the reminder Gary" I said displeased at the memory. I heard him let out a laugh before the five of us made our way to the cave. Upon entering the cave it seemed desolate. Devoid of any life. I nodded to myself before turning around to the gang. 

"Alright! We have the entire cave to ourselves!" I shouted in excitement.

My friends cheered on as they entered the cave. I took one last look outside and saw that the sun had now risen into the sky to the point where the sand had started to heat up. I turned back towards the cave slithering inwards.

"Alright guys, I think we should take a break before continuing" I said aloud to my friends. They all nodded. Emily and Pitt now sleeping in the comfort of each other. I wrapped myself around Eva as a sign of affection. She accepted my offer and soon fell asleep in my embrace. I look towards Gary who seemed alone in the corner of the cave. I wanted to talk to him to ask if he was alright however I was too tired at this point and instead fell asleep. 


Unbeknownst to the five sleeping friends, they were not alone. A figure slithered in the dark avoiding attention. The mysterious snake gave off a chuckle looking at the sleepers.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He asked to himself.

"Five little friends intruding on my property" He chuckled to himself.

"I don't normally resort to such ruthless ways of consumption but my stomach hasn't been fair to me lately" He slithered around a bit more inspecting each and every one of them. A scar running down his eye as he slither over to Eva and Ajar. 

"Hmmmm a dustie of my kind and a Green snake together? Have things changed" He said to himself. He continued to Pitt and Eva. 

"Two fresh scorpions, ripe for the taking" He licked his lips imagining the taste. He quickly turned around and stared at Gary.

"A loner we have here?" He made his way slowly towards Gary making sure not to awaken the sleeping Green snake. 

"I guess you will have to do for now" He said chuckling to himself again. He maneuvered himself around Gary. He pulled off an evil smile before he started to entangle himself around Gary constricting him. As the pressure became tighter and tighter, Gary had begun to notice.

"Ajar, stop that I'm trying to sleep" He said sleepily. The snake shook his head before gripping the Green snake tighter. He had now wrapped most of his body around Gary and was now face to face with the Green snake. Gary now obviously irritated slowly opened his eyes. He met an unfamiliar face. He inspected it before realising it wasn't Ajar.

"Wha-HEL-!" Gary had tried to scream for help but the larger snake and covered Gary's mouth with the end of his tail.

"Sorry, but I prefer my food to be quiet" He said laughing. Gary now muffled tried to loosen himself from the grip. He struggled as he started to run out of air. The bigger dustie now licked his lips ready for his meal. He readied his fangs ready to finish Gary off. Before his fangs could sink into Gary, a rock was smashed across the back of his head, knocking him unconscious. The dustie's grip on Gary loosed as he faintly fell back onto the rocky floor.

Gary now gasping for air freed himself from the death grip. Ajar had just saved his life. He quickly slithered behind Ajar and hid behind him. "WHO IS THAT!?" Gary shouted loudly.

"Looks like we weren't alone" Ajar said looking at the unconscious snake.

"A-Ajar, he looks like you" Gary replied.

Ajar inspected the knocked out snake before realising Gary was right. Aside from the scar running down his left eye, he was the same as Ajar. 

"I think we should wait for him to wake up" Ajar said calmly.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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