The newbies

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"who do you like?"

Those four little words make me question my honesty.

Should I be truthful

or should I lie and make this a hell of a lot less awkward

I went with both I would hint but not tell the whole of it.

"Well, Missi moo,tell me baby" Kaila said,her eyes gleaming.

"Well,I won't say the name but it's someone here." I said shyly looking down at my crossed over ankles.

Kaila and li were looking at each other knowingly, with Li telling Kay to stop there with her eyes and when she looked at me I shot her a thank you look - I'm pretty amazing how we can have conversations with just looking at each other.

"Well, I think that's enough, we should get going, c'mon or we'll be late." Said Nicci, his eyes ablaze as he helped me up and grabbed hold of my arm by looping his through it.

He then started walking too quickly for my liking and my arm was starting to ache.

"Nicci,NICCI, Your hurting me, Stop, NOW." I said my voice breaking slightly as it was shaking with anger and pain.

He looked at me his eyes angry but soon softened and looked worried when he saw my pained face.He let go instantly.

"Oh God,I'm so sorry Missi darlin, I would never hurt you, I promise, I'm really sorry." His face paled and his lower lip was quivering,He looked like a sad little wombat.

"It's ok sweetie, Just don't grab and learn to control your Weird behaviour,It's well weird."

"I'm sorry, can you forgive me darlin, I promise on the oath of the acorn tree." Ooh that is some serious stuff we are dealing with now.

Let me fill you in-

The oath of the acorn tree, Dated 20th of May 2007:

I promise to protect my best friend forever and never ever hurt them in Any way possible or so my life be it- like it,Dead.

signed by nine year old Missi and Nicci.

We will always be there for each other I knew we would,Yeah I know we've had our spats but we were never able to stay mad at each other for more than two days at the worst.

(put it this way- If the label on the Pretzel tub says "for Missi only", it does not mean Go on Nicci just take few. God who would have thought plugs could make a 2 inch deep wound .... and make someone have stitches... Yeah 20 stitches, his mum has been afraid of me with plugs ever since, You should see how fast she moves when I say I'll put the kettle on)

So here we were a mile ahead of the others just entering the clearing,His hand was in mine as we had been previously skipping through the forest and singing,"We're off to see the wizard," from wizard of oz.

People looked up when we entered laughing,clocking our hands together, but knowing all we are is friends,they expect this from us as they have known us for the past few years as 'just friends'.

But at this moment,feeling his hand in mine, I was yearning for more- and it was killing me knowing he would never feel the same way.

"Ah,Missi,Nicci um where is the rest of your team?" Asked Miss Phipps as I handed her our completed sheet (yeah we finished all of it, it wasn't exactly rocket science, find the logo, write down the number on it)

"They are just behind us Miss, Want us to go back for them?" Asked Nicci in his, Adorable-I-really-don't-want-to-voice looking at miss through his bambi lashes(wasted in a boy).

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