The surprises

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Lianna to the right

At six o clock I hear a tap on the door to Narnia.

"Miss, Can I come in?" His voice is the one I'm actually glad to hear. It's comforting for some reason.

"Yeah" I answer softly.

I hear the door open and he enters my room.

"Heya darlin" He comes closer to me ,puts his arms around me and pulls me into a Nicci hug.

"What's up sweetie?" I ask him looking up whilst half buried in his chest.

"I'm sorry about what she called you earlier." He says into my hair.

"It's fine, I know what she is but what am I " I say sarcastically.

"Your beautiful Miss." He says holding me back and looking into my eyes.

My breath catches in my throat and I feel his heartbeat quicken.

"There's been something I've been meaning to tell you." He tells me walking over to where I've left my book on the table.( Divergent if your interested that is.)

"What?" Was this the thing Li was going to tell me earlier.

He opens up the book at random and starts reading aloud:

" you asking me to undress Tris?"

"Ooh you reading kinky stuff darlin" He looks at me eyes gleaming.

I just roll my eyes at him and he continues reading:

"I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart and kind, and honest" He clears his throat.

"I continually struggle with kindness"

"no one's perfect" I whisper

"it doesn't work that way. One bad thing goes away, and another bad thing replaces it" I traded cowardice to cruelty; I traded weakness for ferocity.

He continues until he gets to my favourite lines of the chapter (apart from the few he's already said of course)

"Four and six" I say

We kiss again, and this time, it feels familiar. I know exactly how we fit together, his arm around my waist, My hands on his chest, the pressure of his lips on mine.

We have each other memorized.

Just like they had each other memorised I had the lines memorised, Mouthing along as he said each word.

"This is you to a T Darlin." He looks at me with something I can only describe as adoration in his eyes, keep dreaming Miss.

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a while Missi, I just never felt I could before." My heart starts beating more rapidly and I try to breath normally.

"Look Miss, I...I..-"

"C'mon guys we need to leave." Mason I swear to God I will kill you.

"What was it?" I ask Nicci who was starting to leave my room.

"Later, I promise" He smiles then leaves and I hear him heading down the stairs.

Is it just me that's getting deja vu with that conversation. No?Not just me? Didn't think so.


"Hey Missi, Wait up"

"Oh hey Danny, What's up?"

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