The party

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"Hey,missi are you coming to join us later?" Kaila asked as soon as I entered the kitchen full of the gang. 

"Well firstly who's 'Us' and secondly where are 'Us' going"I was actually confused. 

"NICCI GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOOOW!" Jesus Christ she was figgin loud when she wanted to be.

A few thumps and bumps later Nicci appeared by my side casually slinging his arm over my shoulder-was it just me who noticed or did Danny just stiffen in his place...must be my imagination. 

"What Did I Tell You To Ask Missi!?" To be fair she looked livid 


Nicci actually looked scared of her,which was funny because she was about five foot standing small compared to his slightly muscular frame. 

"Oooooh yeeeeeahh,Hey missi there's a welcoming party up at the top of the beach,we were all gonna go and wanted to see if you would join."

Kaila did not look impressed,and just stalked off -she was ang-reee. 

"So are you coming then,Pwease Missi"Omg now lianna was begging me "mmmmm,Of course I will!"


We had arrived at the 'group meeting house' and the party was in full swing by the time we had all got there.  

I asked kaila if miss Phipps knew about this and all I got back was laughter and an over enthusiastic NO.

"Hey it's Missi isn't it, my brother has talked about you for hours on end-for the love of God don't tell him that, he'd kill me.By the way I'm -"

"Mason , yeah I know you're a friend of Nicci's aren't you?"

"Yeah Mr Layton said he's my 'school tour buddy' such a manly name don't you think,hahaha" His laugh was as hot as his brother's

"So how did you meet Danny? He's not usually the 'speak to people type'"

"Oh he sits next to me in English. I was gonna show him round but things must have caught up with me, I hope he doesn't hols a grudge." I started to blush,I suddenly felt really nervous and self-conscious.

"Are you blushing?" He chuckled at my sudden discomfort. 

"Don't worry I'll probably not eat you!" He was smirking-did I mention I hate guys that smirk. 

"So,hey do want me to get you a drink?" He looked sincere, so I decided to actually reply this time.

"Please,Water would be great thanks." I smiled easily that time.

He walked away I for the first time in a while I felt kinda lonely.

"Oh look,Hey there beautiful mind if I join you" A tall dude of about eighteen,was striding up too me,I didn't recognise him in the slightest.His American accent made me suspicious as I knew he wasn't from home.

He kept coming forward,until he had me pinned against the wall and was starting to grope my ass,I tried to push him off me but he was too strong. 

"C'mon baby,you know you want it" 

It was probably the worst time but I starting thinking about the song 'blurred line's when he said that (don't even ask), his breath reeked of alcohol and made me feel sick.  

He lunged forward and his mouth was on mine. NOW I WAS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE! So I did the first thing that came into my mind and I bit him,Very Hard.

"What do you think you're doing you stupid bitch!" He yelled, He went to lunge forwards again but without hesitating I kneed him in his you-know-whats and he crumpled to the ground.

I actually felt quite proud of myself, at that moment Mason came over to me with the water and saw the (surprisingly) unconscious sicko at my feet.

"What the hell happened Missi?! I leave you for five minutes and you knock a guy out." He looked very alarmed, I just grinned up at him.

"Who said I knocked him out? He harassed me so I took care of it."

"Wait,What did he do to you?" Now he looked worried,I've never seen a guy go through this many emotions in one night.

"He came up to me,trying to hit on me so when he tried to kiss me-more like suffocate me-I bit him and he called me a birch went for it again so I kneed him where it hurts. That's basically it." I saw him wince when I told him where I had kneed him, it was kind of amusing.

"Right that's it, I'm not leaving you by yourself again, though it doesn't look as though look like you need protecting by the look of this guy,c'mon wanna get some fresh air?" I nodded and we went outside.

The rest of the night flew by. Me and Mason spent some time outside walking along the beach, basically he asked me about the school and I asked where he had gone previously( A private school in Birmingham if your interested) And we made our way back inside, meeting Nicci basically shagging this girl right by the doorway, I hit him lightly on the shoulder as I went past him, when he looked up and saw me walking in with Mason he shot away from the now confused looking girl and came to walk with us.

"Hey, where've you been hiding all evening?" He was watching Mason like a hawk

"Oh me and Mase were just talking that's pretty much it oh, and when he went to get a drink I got harassed by a very strong,sick smelling,eighteen year old but hey that's all, you?" I don't know why but a small part of me wanted him to feel guilty for leaving me tonight. 

"Wait, Miss what do you mean harassed,cus I swear to God if they lay another finger on you I will break their face."

"Well, she actually did quite a good job of looking after herself , that's the impression I got when that dude was out cold on the floor." Mase decided now was a good time to butt in.Great

"Oh she did, did she how would you know you left her alone, maybe that's the reason she got harassed in the first place." UH OH.

" Look dude, I left her for five minutes, she was fine when I left, I said I wouldn't leave her alone for the rest of the night."

"five minutes, ten minutes what does it matter worse things could have happened, Anyway Don't worry your shift is over I'm here I look after her now,ok bye go have fun." Well that was rude. I was about to reply when I got interrupted by Mason.

"Well I said I'm not leaving her and I keep my promises,you don't have to do anything, go back to your little chick over there I can handle this." This was not going well.

"Look guys neither of you bother I'm going back" I don't know which of them looked more shocked that I had spoken.

But true to my word I spun on my heel and I left.

Halfway down the beach I processed the situation beforehand and it came to me...


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