The cavern, The sheep and The surprise.

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pic of Missi to the right


We woke the next morning by sunlight,we were able to sleep in till 11 today as it was Saturday, wow nearly one week over.

The thought made me sad,I loved Florida,I mean who wouldn't it was warm,sunny,relaxing and it was America-I've always loved America. Plus,Disney was in Orlando(I know this because Me and my family had been there seven times before.

"Oh,thank God you're up,I swear if I had to spend another minute waiting in silence I would consider talking to Mr Stuffy." Kay says sitting up next to me.

I glanced at the clock.


Uh nobody else would be up yet apart from us.

"I thought about what you said last night and I'm going to ask out Brody, Do you think that is a good idea?" Kay says looking worried.

"Look babes as far as I'm concerned ask him out I've seen you guys together,And you look really adorbs together, ok so go for it, girl power, woo?" I finish trying to be inspirational, but failing....miserably.

"Thanks baby, I don't know what I'd do without you. I've missed this we don' anymore." she said her eyes sad.

"Yeah I miss this too" I smile at her shyly then get up and get dressed.


"ok, so we got another card today,I wasn't actually expecting anything but here we go" I say once we are all in the lounge dressed and all lazing on the sofas and armchairs.

"Morning students, since today is Saturday you all get a day off, you can either take the car to the mall leaving at midday or you can spend time in your house or on the beach including the woods.

hope you all enjoy your day, Miss Phipps." I read out once I had opened the envelope.

"So what do you guys all want to do, personally I don't want to go back to the mall or stay in the house right now, why don't we all go exploring?" I ask just giving a suggestion.

"Well, like I personally wouldn't mind going to the mall, but that's just me  I mean you guys all can pick for yourselves we don't all have to do the same thing ,like do we?" Asks Flicky, just voicing her opinion which I don't mind at all(well to be honest it wasn't really needed was it,really?)

"Well I don't want to go back to the mall, too much shopping" says Nicci being honest if I must comment.

"oh yeah, me neither, I was just like merely suggesting like" Flicky says, God I really don't like her.

"Well you guys can decide by yourselves, but I'm leaving now before it gets too hot." I say trying not to rip out her throat and walking out the door in to the hot humid air.

"Hey, Missi, wait up" I turn to hear a familiar voice.

"Nicci?" I say once I see who it is-way to state the obvious, you're such an Einstein missi.

"Yeah, it's me, hey" he says breathless as he just ran to me.

"where are the others" it was on the tip of my tongue to say "where Is  your bitchface of a girlfriend,".... wait are they even going out?

"Oh, they felt like heading down to the beach" he says nonchalantly.

"Oh ok so just you and me"I look over to him under my eyelashes.

"Yeah you and me."He says under his breath as if reminding himself.

"so whatcha wanna do?" I say actually waiting for Miss Flicky to pop out of nowhere and interrupt us.

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