I did this for If Attack on Titan was a Live Action Anime (AU) as well. This is for the characters. The headcanons will be canon in this story. I got some of these headcanons from tumblr, also this isn't that long. (unlike the AOT fanfic) Enjoy this and Saloonatics~
Edd headcanons that will be canon:
*THE MOST STRONGEST OUT OF THE 4. (He literally lifted up a tank, y'know)
*Just a level-headed person actually
*Edd has heterochromia. Left eye green and the right eye is brown
*Edd is taller than Tom. Next goes Tord and then the tallest is Matt
*Edd was a foster kid, even though he knows his bio mum and still talks to her. Eventually he ended up with a woman that he calls "Auntie Cas"
*Will not hesitate to stop Tom and Tord with their shenanigans.
*Smells like cinnamon.
*Edd balls his hands into fists whenever he gets excited or nervous
*Whenever the cat won't stop meowing, Edd will just screech "mEOW. YOU SEE THAT?! THATS WHAT YOU SOUND LIKE. 'MROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW'!!! ALL DAY."
*Tord and Edd like to perform ballroom dancing when alone, with Tord twirling Edd (who is in a princess gown). It's a hilarious and weird hobby or something. THEY KEEP THIS AS A SECRET.
*Edd used to have a BUNCH of hoodies, and he decided to give them to his friends. (Tom, Tord, Matt) He was the one who gave them the hoodies. Purple for Matt, Blue for Tom, and Red for Tord. (He didn't wear it much back then, he mainly wore the black coat)
*Edd is the Ultimate Mom Friend™, like of anyone is sick or upset he will worry over them and take care of them until they feel better
Tom headcanons that will be canon:
*Tom hides kittens in his hoodie. He has been caught sneaking them into the house multiple times.
*So yeah, he's a cat person
*NEVER let him text on his phone when he's drunk (As shown in the extra)
*Tom and Matt are huge Pokemon nerds and sometimes play the games, Matt once built a eight inch toy of a shiny Esspurr for Tom's birthday and in return, Tom knitted and made three plushies of Matt's favorite Pokemon, Giratina (it was shiny), Mewtwo, and Deoxys.
*Sometimes he plays air guitar when Susan isn't around
*TOM IS THE SHORTEST OUT OF THE 4, and hates being teased by Tord
*Just because he doesn't have height, doesn't mean he ain't strong (woah)
*He carries his harpoon all the time
*The harpoon was a gift from Tord. Tord gave that for his birthday. He had to sell the couch to buy it.
*He's an early bird :) Tom gets up really early
*LOVES GUNS (wait this is canon) Steals Tord's guns from his room
*He's used to being asked about his eyes. Sometimes, he would get tired of the question and his solution to not answering would be "Why are they black?" "You racist? Don't be rude to my eyes."
Matt headcanons that will be canon:
*Matt has a voice like an angel but he only ever sings as a joke when hes messing around with the guys, until one day they hear him singing in the shower and they all have to stop and listen outside the door cuz it's so good. him and Tom colab on songs sometimes
*Some mornings, Matt and Edd can be found watching cartoons whilst still in their PJs.
*Has no bed hair. His hair stays the same in the morning. But he still combs his hair.
*When Matt gets excited he grabs the nearest friend in a hug and just sort of spins them around whilst rambling and shouting about whatever he's excited about. Edd usually gets a little shocked at first (and sometimes makes a tiny screech) but then just laughs about it and hugs Matt back. Tom just sort of lets g-force take over and just sort of stays still with a straight face like "okay. this is fine. sure." Tord just laughs a lot and ends up like "pUt Me DoWn MaTtTt"
*When Matt gets mad, he geT'S MAD. If a person did something bad to him or his friends, he will literally tell them to fu** off. (probably confirmed in Saloonatics, when Matt got stressed, he friggin punched the bars out. METAL BARS.)
*Matt's the tallest out of the 4 :3
Tord headcanons that will be canon:
*Smokes. A lot. Edd keeps telling him to stop, but he can't
*He's secretly a softie (yes) He hides puppies in his hoodie
*Tord likes diet Smirnoff and Tom is absolutely revolted by it because he knows Tord only likes it to piss him off. (or maybe he just likes it)
*He has his secret lair in his room, his secret Giant Robot, his secret friends, his secret army, and hIS SECRET HENTAI--
*He has all those things, but he ain't a bad guy (but is a bad guy in another way)
*Hates being called "Reindeer" by Matt
*Get's flustered EASILY
*He's so shy shy shy. Mainly Camera Shy. The first time he went over to Edd's house (as a child), Edd greeted him "Hi!" and it took Tord 10 minutes to reply back
*Tord doesn't usually talk, but whenever he does (like big sentences or long explanations) everybody suddenly goes silent and stares at him with a surprised look, an listens intently. It's surprising cause he doesn't really talk, and his voice was just so... different to them. Whenever Tord notices this though, he gets flustered and quickly stops talking. (when he was ranting about the Ruins, he noticed he talked too much and stopped talking. He just makes fast and quick replies)
*Will carry guns any day. He doesn't care if Tom steals his guns, he has plenty more.
*Surprisingly good at cooking. Just too lazy to cook at all though
*When he gets angry, Tord s-ep-a-rates his syl-lables when he's ang-ry in order to speak English because if he doesn't, he'll talk too fast and switch back and forth between English and Norwegian.
*If he gets REALLY, REALLY, EXTREMELY ANGRY, he'll start speaking and cussing in Norwegian.
*Paul and Patryk are WAY older than him. Tord was an Orphan and didn't know his real parents until Paul and Patryk found him and decided to take care of him.
*Tell him that "Anime girls aren't real" and he'll break down crying.
I have nothing for other characters, sorry :3 Idk what to come up with for Eduardo, Jon and Mark
cri cri cri
Mark was here

Switched! |Eddsworld Fanfiction|
Fanfiction(my first ever story) Matt finds a weird mini chest at a garage sale. He thinks it's valuable but Edd, Tom and Tord thinks that it's just junk. Matt, who wants to prove them wrong, grabs Tord's car keys (for some reason) and then opens the chest wi...