Edd's P.O.V (point of view)
The Tomsworld guys all agreed to help us find the portal again, which was unexpected. All though some of them were lazy, they still helped anyway. We spilt into groups to find the thing. I was partnered up with Tw! Edd, Tom was partnered up with Tw! Tord-- why? Because If we let Tw! Tord with Matt, who's currently in Tord's body, he'll go crazy with him. And If we let Matt partner up with Tw! Matt, things will go crazy too.
And Matt is partnered up with Tw! Tom and then Tord is with Tw! Matt. I just hope nothing will go wrong like last time, when we all split-ed up to get help with our Switching Bodies problem.
And now, me and Tw! Edd are sitting on a bench taking a rest because Tw! Edd's stamina is slow, somehow.
I opened a can of cola and looked over to Tw! Edd, seeing if he wants some.
"You want some?" I offered.
"Ew, no." Tw! Edd denied and stuck out his tongue.
What?? Impossibe. An Edd that hates Cola..? HOW.
Suddenly, Tw! Edd took out a canteen of.. Smirrnoff/Alcohol. He started drinking it and.. Oh yeah, Tw! Tord said that he's an alcoholic person. So he must be like our Tom. This really is Tomsworld!
"You look annoyed as heck. Are you okay?" I questioned him.
"Yes and no to be honest." He answered back.
"Oh. Okay. Is it okay if I can call you Edd-ge Gould?"
"Uhm.... Whatever I guess.."
"YAY!" I cheered.
"Okay, I have enough stamina now. We should really be looking right now." Edd-ge got up from the bench.
"OH HEY LOOK!" I pointed out at a red glowing thing that was glowing at a corner. We went up and walked forward to the glowing thing.
Tom's P.O.V (point of view)
"Why are we here again? And stop whining about not partnering up with our Matt." I glared.
"Butttt he's so pretty~" The other Tord blushed.
"Tch. That's what pisses me off." The other Tord ACTUALLY 'TCH-ED'. WOAH.
"Well anyway, we're here because who knows? WcDonalds might have something suspicious here. I heard that if you ask one of the employees what the food is made out of, they won't answer. SUSPICIOUS, RIGHT?!" Tord-- I mean... Screw it he's Fork Boy now-- said.
"Well we're not here for the food, we're here for the portal. And we don't have to hide in the bushes. We can just stay on the front." I mentioned.
"WELL you never know! Security cameras might be around! What if they hear us and move the portal somewhere else? What if they destroy the portal? What if one of the employees leap through time??" Fork Boy blared a little.
"How do they leap through time? How does that exist?" I asked.
"In The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, it exists!" Fork Boy exclaimed.
"I'm guessing you haven't watched that anime, yet!"
"Anime Movie! Yeah!"
"Don't take advise from movies." I said.
"Besides. You guys have a time machine. You were planning to go back in time to prevent your problem. Why are you saying that?" Fork Boy told me back.

Switched! |Eddsworld Fanfiction|
Fanfic(my first ever story) Matt finds a weird mini chest at a garage sale. He thinks it's valuable but Edd, Tom and Tord thinks that it's just junk. Matt, who wants to prove them wrong, grabs Tord's car keys (for some reason) and then opens the chest wi...