Tom's P.O.V (point of view)
The lingering light was obliterated by the rapidly falling night. The wind stayed silent, which was good. I put on a blue New Years hat and blew an air horn. All of us did the same.
"Merry New Year!" Exclaimed Matt as he opened a party cracker.
We kept drinking and throwing stuff outside. We even put a fun smoke bomb to light up. Hopefully, the police aren't here tonight.
Later on, we decided to put on fireworks. Yeah, the police are totally going to notice that. All of us ran to the roof with fireworks, sparklers, paper and pencils, and a mini cooler with soda. Matt put up the firework that had his face on. He immediately took a picture once it was up in the air. The loud sounds and smoke definitely got the police's attention. Afterwards, Matt went downstairs to get 2 Popsicles for himself and Tord.
I grabbed some squared chocolate-covered cookies for me. Along with Alcohol. Edd wasn't surprised.
"Hahaha! Okay, Tord, set something on fire for me!" Edd nudged Tord. Edd lit the firework Tord was holding.
"HAHAHA!" Tord took a big step and aimed at the roof of the buildings. The firework glittered all over, but didn't set anything on fire. Oh, wait, it set the streamers we put up on fire instead..
Oh look, the police.
"Hey, excuse me? Do you have a permit for those?" An officer asked.
"Uh..." I mumbled.
"Uh, do you have a permit for being incredibly lame?" Edd yelled as he cupped his mouth.
"Hahahahahaha!" The 4 of us laughed. I started stuffing my mouth with squared chocolate-covered cookies. Matt and Tord licked their Popsicles while laughing.
"Hehe, well I can't argue with that. Carry on." The officer said. We were surprised, but we carried on anyway as he drove away.
"Hey, we ran out of fireworks...." Tord looked over at the box. Matt and Edd whined, but continued to eat and drink.
"Oh, I forgot." Edd announced. "Paper and pencils... New Years resolutions! We just write goals and we hang him here." Edd bought 2 sticks and tied a string on both sides. He brought color clip as well.
I managed to catch what Matt and Tord were writing. I'm not even surprised.
Matt: "Make sure I don't get an ugly face like my Future Self."
Tord: "Hope that the Red Army will do better without me."
I didn't know what to write. I saw what Edd had written because he already hung his up. So, I read it. I thought it would be a goal about something like Cola, or something stupid. But instead...
"I wish that I can be with my friends for eternity."
It was kind of awkward. I didn't want to rub it on his face for an awkward thing, but isn't it a good thing? I would wish for that too. I wrote,
"I wish nothing bad will happen to us this year."
But then it felt to awkward too, so I added,
"Eduardo's gang should get the bad luck this year, so."
I hung mine up. I felt too shameful, to be honest. I didn't know why, but I grabbed a bottle of Smirnoff, just to drink the feelings away. Tord started blasting Studio Ghibli Complete Collection music on his invented speaker. Though, it was small.
Finally, Eduardo came out of his house and yelled at us for being too loud. Edd through an empty Cola can at him, causing him to come back to his house.
"Alright! Sparklers!" Edd exclaimed as he held them. Tord and Matt immediately snatched them away. Tord had 3 on his hand. Matt and Edd had only 1, so it wasn't really fair. But that doesn't matter.
"Hey, Tom?" Edd tapped on me. "You okay? Here's your sparkler."
"Yeah, I am. Just spacing out." I answer. I held onto my sparkler as Edd lit them up. It started sparkling, glittering, outshining more than the little stars.
For some reason, I put a stupid smile. Not sure why, I think the Alcohol is making me crazy, but I just feel too warm inside. This is too out of my league. Not really my type of personality.
Then, suddenly, Edd sits next to me.
"Hey Tom!" He waves.
"Hey." I reply.
We both remained silent for a while. My sparkler was still going. But Edd's stopped. It was very awkward. I drank my Alcohol and he drank his Cola. Tord, over there, was still spinning his sparklers around and Matt was impressed. But then he dropped all 3 of them and they burned down. He got upset afterwards, which was pretty freaking funny.
I still wore my hat that still laid on top of my hair. I blew my air horn as loud as I could, just to annoy the neighbors.
But then Edd spoke, "This month..."
"Huh?" I turned to him. This month...?
"This month.. January.. I want to do more adventures.." Edd declared. "Let's have fun once in a while. No more switching bodies. That was stressful. Let's do more."
The 2 behind me started yelling random stuff and Matt's sparkler kept going even more. I thought it would last. Tord started playing a game with an annoying opening that lead the fade words, "Doki Doki!" or something. He tuned down the Ghibli music. But I can still hear it from here.
A calming music played. It fit too well for this scene. "Okay." I replied. "Will do."
Edd smiled sweetly. And turned around to see Tord and Matt go up to them and sit next to us. Our feet dangled down the edge of the roof.
My sparkler went out.
Lmao was this suppose to be deep? Dunno.
Agh. I ship Tord X Matt, but now Edd and Tom.. I kind of see them more as a BrOTP..
I learned guys! I did typing and actually RESEARCHED FOR DETAILED WRITING.
Well, I just shared my ships. Hopefully, there will be no war.
Dang. Well. Eddsworld is coming back this month, January.

Switched! |Eddsworld Fanfiction|
Fanfiction(my first ever story) Matt finds a weird mini chest at a garage sale. He thinks it's valuable but Edd, Tom and Tord thinks that it's just junk. Matt, who wants to prove them wrong, grabs Tord's car keys (for some reason) and then opens the chest wi...