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After exploring the How, Caspian lead us down a hallway. It finished in a ginormous room. In the middle stood the cracked stone table. I gasped, this was where I had died. I looked at Edmund out of instinct. He had a hard look on his face. I looked back at the table and saw behind it was a great carving of my father.

"Come on, let's go get in some practice," Susan called, leaving the room. Edmund hurried after her, followed by the others. I stayed, walking up to the giant stone and touching the cold surface. I could hear a faint beat of sticks on concrete and then I was back where I was that night. The flames flickering, the dark beings were chanting and calling me names. I walked forward as I had done to see her, standing there happy that I would die. I saw the flames dancing in her black eyes. I could hear her laughter as I was tied up...

"Alex?" A male voice called. Peter. I turned around to see him, snapping out of my dream. He looked concerned and slightly distressed. "Alex, are you okay?" I looked away from him, has everyone noticed? "I'm fine. What did you come here about?" I said, trying to change the topic. "I just wanted to show you some carvings we saw of us." He explained. I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist. "Look I can tell something isn't right with you. Please don't push yourself." I nodded, breaking free from his grip and walking off.


"Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't defending his castle" Peter said loudly. We had all gathered in the room of the stone table. Susan and I stood with the others while the two Kings and the Prince stood in the middle, Lucy sitting on the table. I shuddered, this was I place I had never wanted to see again. "What do you suppose we do your majesty?" Reepicheep asked Peter. "We need to get ready for war-" "We need to start planning-" Peter and Caspian said at the same time. They looked at each other, the tension in the room building by the second. Caspian nodded to Peter, letting him continue his answer.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us." Peter said angrily. I stared at him. How was that a good idea? "That's crazy! No one has even taken that castle." Caspian shot back. "There's alway a first time." Peter said in a tone that I didn't like. Why was he being so arrogant? "We'll have the element of surprise." Trumpkin added. I shook my head. This was only going to lose us, soldiers. "But we have the advantage here." Caspian said forcefully. "If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely." Susan spoke up. Peter shot her a look.

"I for one feel safer underground." A Badger said. "Look I appreciate what you have done here." Peter started, walking up to Caspian. "But this isn't a fortress, it is a tomb." I saw everyone momentarily look to me. I shuddered. "Yes and if they are smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out." Edmund added. "We could collect nuts!" A squirrel said. "Yes! And throw them at the Telmarines!" Reepicheep replied sarcastically. I shot him a look. "I think you know where I stand sire." He said to Peter.

"I just think it is unwise to risk losing so many men! You are forgeting all about Aslan" I said, looking at Peter. He glared back. "You seriously want to stay in this place?" Edmund shouted. I turned to him, anger bubbling. "I hate being near my deathbed as much as you do! But a wise king does not seek out war." I yelled back. Edmund looked ready to burst. "Shut up! Both of you!" Peter yelled. Everyone was silent.

Peter turned to Glenstorm the Centaur. "If I bring your troops in, can you handle the guards? " I rolled my eyes. Were we seriously going through with this? "Or die trying my liege." He replied. "That's what I'm worried about." Lucy said, finally speaking up. Everyone turned to look at her. "Sorry?" Peter asked. "You're all acting like there are only two options. Dying here, or dying there." She said. I looked at her, feeling sorry for ever not believing her. She was obviously the wisest one here.

"I don't think that you have really been listening Lu." Peter replied turning away. "No! You're not listening! Or have you forgotten who really defeated the white witch Peter?" She said quietly. I smiled, she had never lost faith. But I had. "I think that we have waited for Aslan long enough." Peter said sternly, before walking off.

Once the room cleared out I made my way back to the stone table, touching it again. I again was flooded with the memories of the table. But this time I could hear Jadis cackling as she plunged the sword into my side. I felt the pain all over again and my head began to spin, the chanting was getting louder, the witches voice in my head yelling 'Die!' I fell to the ground, back at the How and I could hear Edmund yelling my name as the world went black.


Hello my fellow Narnians!

Above is my new trailer for this book! Hope you like! Credits to Daria Sidorchuk and Narnia Prince Caspian for the footage! Hope you also like the new chapter. It is mainly just a filler chapter for some serious DRAMA and stuff coming your way soon!! Remember, if you like it - hit the vote button and share with your friends!!

Cat xx

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