...This way comes

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~Steph's P.o.V.~

Josh and I reached the hospital 15 minutes later. I was disappointed in the fact I was ready to be with Josh, finally, then my best friend's girlfriend has to go to the hospital. Great.

"Steph!" Parker cried when she saw me. She ran towards my open arms and collapsed into them. Parker was sobbing uncontrollably, I felt bad that she was still in public.

"How is she?" Josh asked, helping me take Parker to some chairs.

"They-d-dont know for sure, b-but they think her appendix ruptured" Parker said, crying louder now.

Don't worry Parks, she's gonna be okay." I desperately reassured my friends.

"Evanna Thomas?" A nurse asked.

The trio stood, walking towards the woman. The nurse looked at them with sadness in her eyes.

"I'm afraid Miss. Thomas's appendix burst." She said.

Parker fell into my arms, Josh catching me before I fell from the sudden impact.

"The surgery went well, she should wake up any second now" the nurse finished, leading them to her room.

She left them, Parker sat on one side of the room while Josh and I sat on the other.

Parkers eyes fluttered open, looking around to hind her love.

"Parker?" She asked on a raspy voice.

"Evanna, I'm right here my love." Parker said, the to of them embracing.

"We'll give you two some privacy" I said chuckling, taking Josh's hand.

We stepped into the hallway, making casual conversation, before I hear a familiar voice.

"Stephanie?" The voice asked.

Mason. Of course Mason would be here. He was Evanna's brother.

"What are you doing here? He asked, as I stood.

"What else would I be doing here, Parker called me and-"

"You can leave, we don't need you here, no one needs you" He said interrupting me.

I could feel Josh stand.

"And who would you be?" Josh asked, putting his arm around my waist.

"The last good thing to happen to the is waste of space" Mason answered.

"Now just-" Josh started before I elbowed him, signaling for him to stop.

"Ya know what Steph, you should just leave, Parker doesn't need you, Evanna doesn't need you, I don't need you, he'll your own father didn't even need you." Mason said.

I felt a tear glide down my face. As more rapidly approached, I turned and ran. I ran back to the car, desperately trying to open the door of the car, only to remember I didn't have the keys. I fell to the floor, tears now soaking me face.

Josh ran out of the automatic doors of the hospital, as he had followed me. Once he got to me, he grabbed me, and held me tight in his arms. He kissed my forehead, neither of us saying a  word.

"Let's go clean up okay?" Josh asked.

I nodded, allowing him to hoist me up, and put me in the car. We didn't say a word to each other the entire ride. I don't think he even knew what to say.

Josh parked the car and looked at me, sadness in his eyes. Was he sad that I was sad? Did Josh care about me? We made our way up tor the apartment, and went straight to the shower.

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