Forty-Five - Cartoon Noses (Part 3)

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Cartoon Noses (Part 3)

“Just the sight of boobs on TV or in a movie makes everything else that the story built up between a couple, worthless, just like that, when the male character who is supposed to be a lover then becomes obsessed with them," a non-refundable begins, as the women continue to look at what is being showcased before them. "Women want characters to desire each other through small gestures, looks, and for a long time, and so, when the couple finally falls on top of each other, it has to be about passionate kissing and body on body, and skin on skin along every inch of the two except for that one part of her body.  Women need their mind to be loved. A female viewer’s pleasant fantasy comes to a screeching halt when boobs come out, because we know what happens when that top comes off, and it’s not passionate: the rest of the clothes come off and it’s sex. It’s the mad pumping. It’s the bouncing and swinging everywhere. It’s bodies taking over. It’s comical, not passionate. So, I’m a comedian, in life,” the non-refundable adds. “It’s been my answer many times, when people ask what I do. You know how men like really stupid jokes, especially bodily function jokes? Well, their favourite bodily function is one great comedy round. Over and over again, the same joke. And the look in a woman’s eyes in bed, when she’s not faking it for him, and the way that she looks at a man after a stupid joke of his, the same. And all men think that they’re funny, when they’re really not. Women prefer being taken from above, with him on top, because it minimizes the comedy. We’re much more serious than men.”

“We have to be: imagine being a teen girl and not keeping track of your period and just starting to bleed in your white pants, wherever you are, without pads, just a mess for the rest of the day, for everyone to see. Nature makes sure that we have what it takes to be responsible and serious from the time that we’re teenagers. Because we’re going to be mothers some day. What do teen boys have to make them serious and responsible about, by nature, that trains them? Nothing.”

“Makes women sensitive to time, counting down those twenty-eight days all the time. And we learn about better days, and really bad ones. We learn that we want to enjoy the good days. Maybe that’s why it drives women nuts when men don’t call on time. When they’re late.”

“It makes us nuts because it shows how they don’t respect us, because as long as there’s time to f**k when they show up, that’s all that matters to them. Otherwise, they just want to be with the boys.”

“When she starts going down on him in a scene, that ruins it too, to have that moment of disconnection in an otherwise hot, passionate love scene, to have male self-centeredness have to be included in there, that bowing down to the mighty king-staff,” the daydreaming young non-refundable with the soft curls cuts in. “Especially that first time, after all that longing, when it’s about connecting, and when there’s so much passion that tricks aren’t needed. She wants to take him in. He wants through that threshold. But tricks are cold and methodical and empty, which is what men love to pay for, with us. With me,” she adds, her voice breaking.

“And that’s how men like all of life to be too. See, a human mind is Parental Guidance, and an animal’s is Restricted. Because animals are violent and don’t make love.”

“Women are turned on by those music videos that fans make with scenes from their favourite couple from their favourite show,” the soft-curled blonde adds. “The one they ’ship. A song that has words that reminds them of the emotions, and of the story of the couple. The attraction first, and the hesitation, and all of it, until the great moment when they kiss, and then, later, when they make love. So much happening through their eyes, the looks that they give each other, and women love that because there’s so much more there, in the eyes, where someone is different, where they’re their own person, and not just a body to f**k. Just nice lingerie-bra and undies, and skin on skin everywhere else, keeps everything so hot. No preoccupation with her boob-toys, and no forcing her being to be lost on his manhood. I love those videos that show clips of the best emotional-connecting moments between a couple.”

“Do men think that playing with a women’s boobs is like having their manhood played with? That it’s amazing for her? I’d much rather have his hands elsewhere on my body, but men’s hands are always at my boobs.”

“But in those videos, his eyes always return to hers, and his hands offer her something more. As soon as breasts come out, then the scene has nothing more. All superficial, then. All the romance is gone. And of course, manhoods are never seen. I wonder if that balance would make the romance stay. If men want to see more, then they should just go to adult internet sites, because love scenes on TV and in movies should be about passion, because shows develop stories and characters. Are men are so incapable of emotions that there has to be breasts in a movie, in a show, for them to watch?”

“I know women who don’t watch cable shows because they’re made for men, since boobs come out. That and those shows are just manipulation by men, and those women know all that it means, that men absolutely have to see breasts.”

“I just . . . ”

“Okay, you’re done,” a non-refundable impatiently snaps at soft curls. “How can you still be a romantic doing what you do, knowing men the way that you do? God, young women are stupid. I can’t even remember being stupid like you.”

“I miss watching my videos,” the young woman softly replies. “When I come home, after work, I just turn them on and . . . ”

“It’s only been two days, so that’s a pretty bad addiction of yours. And how can you watch a love story and not laugh at it?” The other non-refundable cuts in.

“Laugh until I cry?” Soft curls replies.

“I bet that the masters didn’t mention love even once, when they were the ones guessing, seeing our body parts as if on black conveyor belts somewhere, heading to adult toy stores.”

“Maybe if they had had to recognize one of our hands, or our neck, or . . .” Soft curls longingly offers.

“That video where the singer and other men in it are fully-dressed, and the women are nude up top, walking around, just eye-candy for men, have you seen it? What’s worse is that an otherwise family-friendly Internet site that bans all nudity in all other videos that are uploaded allowed it to stay on. And the record company, they put it on. And men defended it, of course. Defended women being nothings.  Ouch. How are women and teen girls supposed to feel after that? Males are always shoving it in our faces, how we’re just three or four body parts to amuse them,” Catherine recalls a non-refundable saying, over a year ago. “Men’s dream society: having all of us naked all the time, and making men feel so, so much better, in their masters’ clothes. Always behind their protective wall, of course.”

“So, seeing packages in a line-up without bodies attached brings this on? Catherine considers out loud, before abruptly putting an end to the consideration before files open up.

“It makes sense: because women don’t like seeing men reduced to playthings. It’s not what we want men to be. We want them on pedestals, heroes. But they’re not, and they do everything to kick us off ours, and to keep us off.”           

Every woman hands in her guess paper to an attendant, and, a moment after that, the black velvet curtains around the grand room indeed do not drop: the men remove their manhood from the opening in the curtain that showcased it and return it to their pants while still behind the material wall. Contest attendants then inform the women whether or not they were correct in their guesses.

“That was easy,” Catherine thinks to herself out loud, nervous still about failing Tristan. I don’t want to be punished again, she repeats to herself, pushing away every inkling of thoughts aiming to be formed.

“Knowing that the curtain wouldn’t drop, that was smart,” a non-refundable grants her.

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